23. The Fraud Who Turned Into a Prince

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"Remember, in and out. I do not want any shenanigans from you, understood?" Hector gave the brunette boy in front of him a threatening gaze.

       Dylan knew better than to fight him. Hector held all the cards now and Dylan was back to being his lousy puppet.

       "You know, we aren't going to pull this off, right? Kidnapping royal princesses is not the same as stealing a couple of bucks from rich," Dylan retorted, but the old man wore a cocky grin and ignored his statement.

       "I double-crossed the Queen Mother of Italy, my boy. I am unstoppable." Hector patted Dylan's cheek as he walked away. "In and out, got it?"

        Dylan rolled his eyes, but nodded nonetheless.

       Ever since their "victory" at Italy, Hector had been on top of the world, pulling one stunt after another. With each success, the crimes became bigger and bigger.

       The mission this time was to capture the three young daughter's of the Dutch King and Queen. Impossible to imagine, but Hector had become more power-hungry and Dylan had no choice but to obey. If he didn't, Hector would Camilla and he would not allow that to happen.

       Just the thought of the young princess caused Dylan's heart to churn. He had learned about her engagement a few weeks prior. He was upset, but he understood why she had accepted and realized it was for the best. The Lord would give Camilla all that Dylan never could.

Hector snapped his fingers in front of Dylan and pulled him out of his thoughts. The door to the disguised van opened and Dylan stepped out.

He blended in with the crowd as he stepped into the mansion. Hector's plan was basically errorless. All Dylan had to do, was change out of the suit and replace it with the guard uniform one of Hector's undercover men hidden in the servant bathrooms. He would then walk up to the second floor where the children were being watched. One of the maids would help him take the three princesses and lure them toward the garden. There Hector and two other undercover guards would throw the girls into their van and flee.

The King and Queen would have no choice but to pay the heavy ransom Hector would ask for. Once the payment was made, the girls would be safely returned to their parents. At least that was what Hector had promised, but Dylan knew better. If the old man didn't get his way, he would kill the girls. The mere thought caused Dylan to gag.

You have no choice, Dylan reminded himself.

       Dylan skillfully made his way past the actual royal guards and entered the servant's bathroom. The duffel bag was right where Hector said it would be. Dylan quickly changed out of his black suit and tie and into the security guard disguise. He plugged in the earpiece that connected him to Hector.

       "Good guy!" Hector cheered on the other side of the ear piece. "Now go upstairs. The maid we bribed should be waiting for you."

Dylan walked upstairs cautiously.

The maid was already waiting for him with the three girls in one of the spare rooms. They had blindfolds and tape over their mouth.

"Hurry before the other maids come looking," she hissed.

The little girls had tears running down their cheeks as their whimpers were muffled by the gray tape. The simple sight brought back memories into Dylan's mind .

"Mommy! Mommy!" The little boy cried out as the flames roared around him.

His family was gone. No one was left inside the crumbling mansion except for him.

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