01. La Belle Fraude

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Dylan smirked as he walked down the front steps of the hotel, counting the euro-notes in his hands. "What a fool," he chuckled.

The slick fraud had once more targeted one of the many billionaire wives residing at the Beaverbrook and succeeded. With a cliche soppy story, Dylan was able to convince a woman to give him one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven euros. The giddy brown-haired man skipped down the steps, humming a happy tune. Dylan had been so preoccupied counting his money, that he had not noticed the two gorilla-like man stalking behind him.

The two man threw a brown wool-bag over Dylan's head, startling him. "Get off me yo— oomph," Dylan was thrown into a white van without care. Dylan huffed as he slipped the bag off his head. "You are an asshole!"

       "You really shouldn't be talking to me like that." Dylan froze upon hearing the voice as he looked up, only to meet the piercing gaze of his kidnapper.

       "What do you want?" Dylan growled.

       The man chuckled at his fiery mood. "You know what I want and I am here to collect the enormous amount of money you owe me."

       "In case, you weren't aware I am broke." Dylan replied in a cocky tone.

       "You have one thousand euros in your hand," the man noted. "But fret not, you will pay your debt with your services."

       "What do you mean?"

       The man smirked. "Dylan, you are the most wanted con-artist in England, perhaps all of Europe. You are La Belle Fraude, and I need your charms to get what I want."

Dylan glared at his captor. "What do you want, Hector?"

"The Spring Cupid balls will begin tomorrow morning in Italy and I received news that the beautiful Italian Princess has joined the marriage-market. You will woo her, make her fall head over heels for you and then when you have gained her trust, you will get me the royal sapphire." Hector explained.

Dylan raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Those balls are just for people of upper class. You know...Lords and Dukes and Viscounts, not for commoners like moi."

"You are a con-artiste, Dylan." Hector reminded. "We will use your very good acting skills and disguise you as one of them."

"And what do I get in return?"

"What do you get in return?" Hector chuckled. "I won't have to kill you, that is what you get. But seeing I am a very generous man, I'll give you one million dollars after your debt is repaid. Once I have the royal sapphire, then only then, will you be free of me."

"Fine," Dylan sighed. "I'll do it."

Hector smirked triumphantly as he lit his cigarette. "Wise choice, my boy."


Camilla looked around at the many available bachelors. Dukes, lords, viscounts, princes, even sons of foreign Presidents had assisted the event. Many of whom were mainly there because they wanted to win over the princess's hand in marriage.

"They are all here for me, yet not one of them has had the balls to ask me to dance." Camilla frowned.

"Camilla!" Rebecca scolded. "A princess should not speak in such a vulgar manner."

Camilla rolled her eyes, while her brother chuckled beside her. "Sorry, Mother." She said through gritted teeth.

"She is right, though." Hayden turned his Mother. "We have been standing here for an hour and no one has yet to ask her to dance. If they want her hand in marriage, they have to put in effort."

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