22. Royal Engagement

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Camilla sat near her bay window looking out at the cloudy, gray sky. There were light water droplets hitting her window every now and then.

"Your royal highness, his majesty has asked for your presence at the royal lounge," Lucia said as she entered the princess' room.

       Camilla did not even glance at the maid. "Tell, my brother that I do not wish to see him, or any of our family."

       Luca looked at the teenage girl with sympathy. She felt bad for the young princess, but silently left the room without protest. Camilla brought her knees to her chest as she rested her chin on them. She felt numb. She wanted to cry, but all her tears had been used up.

       Another knock came from the door, but Camilla did not respond, she simply ignored it. The door swung upon nonetheless and Camilla could hear the light footsteps approaching her.

       "Camilla," Flora called out. This time Camilla looked up, her eyes bloodshot red from all the crying she had done throughout the night. It ached Flora to see her sister-in-law in this state.

       "My brother sent you?" Camilla asked with a sour tone.

       Flora looked at her hands trying to figure out the best way to explain what she had to tell Camilla.

       "The Duke—Dylan—has runaway," Flora said. "This morning the guards checked his cell and he was gone. He only left the royal sapphire he had stolen."

"What do you mean he has runaway?" Camilla asked in shock.

"The guards believe that the person Dylan was working for helped him escape," Flora said. "I know this is hard to believe, but he's gone, Camilla."

       Camilla shook her head. "No, no he didn't. He couldn't have. He said he loved me!"

"I'm sorry," Flora whispered as she wrapped her arms around Camilla aiming to comfort her.

Camilla did not want to believe Flora's words. She shook her head continuously as the tears flowed down her cheek. Dylan had promised he would stick with her.

Had it all been a lie?

Rebecca stepped into the room and Camilla was quick to pull away from Flora and wipe away her tears. She did not want to prove her mother right in any way.

"Flora, may I please have a minute with my daughter?" Rebecca asked and Flora nodded. She walked past Rebecca and closed the door behind her.

"What do you need mother? Came to say you were right all along?" Camilla raised a brow.

Rebecca walked over to her daughter. "Why can you not see that everything I do, I do it for your own good?"

"My own good?" Camilla scoffed. "No Mother, you do it for your own good. Not for me, not for Hayden. No, for yours and the stupid image we have to uphold because we are a royal family! Well, I hate being a royal! Having to keep a facade in front of everyone! I'm over it!"

"Camilla Valentino!" Rebecca frowned. "How dare you speak to your mother in such a vulgar manner?"

"I am just telling you the truth," Camilla mumbled.

"I get that you are hurt my child, but it is better this way. That criminal is out of our lives for good," Rebecca spoke. "He is probably already out of the country with that no-good friend of his Hector."

Camilla narrowed her eyes at Rebecca.

"How do you know that man's name?" Camilla asked, but Rebecca looked away. "Answer me!"

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