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" I'm glad my father-in-law trusts me this much" It's been three days since daddy travelled, he decided to stay in Abuja and complete his work since he heard I was doing much better and I had good company, but he's going to be home today. I can't wait to see my daddy. " he doesn't, it's me he trusts, not you" I respond and he laughs. " It's that what my little munchkin thinks?" He says in a cute manner, pouting and staring lovingly at me while he sits across the table. " Stop looking at me or I'll aim this fork to your face"
" You want to give me a love mark, I would actually love that. Then everyone will know that I belong to you alone"

" oh my goodness" I say with a heavy sigh and hot cheeks as I bite off my French toast. " I'm going to get going after this, they're waiting for me" he says, hurriedly eating his toast. " Alright"
" Why're your friends sleeping this much today, it's already past 11 fa"
" They slept late deciding what Juwee's going to wear for a date with her boyfriend today and he should be here to pick her up soon. What did you say was the time again?"
" Past 11" oh no, she's late. " my goodness, I'm going to go wake them up, he's meant to be here by 12 " Instantly getting up from my seat, I say. " I'll get going then" he says from behind me as I carry my weak limbs above the stairs to my room to meet my bestfriends sleeping like drunkards, literally. Juwairiyah even had a leg over Tay Tay's head and I am only left to wonder how that even happened. And Tay Tay's snoring, they must be tired. I should take a picture of this to show their respective partners but no, I definitely am not that cruel. It's cute how they think these two ladies sleep like sleeping beauty. Meanwhile here they are, sleeping like sleeping monkey.

Tapping them awake, Juwairiyah rushes to the bathroom to freshen up while Tay Tay and I arrange my room, opening the windows and letting some cool air in. Doctor Isah Baba said my results would be ready, even though I don't feel extremely strong, I belive I'm strong enough to not have cancer. So I'm not disturbed, I'm certain the results are going to come out negative. " You're dropping me off after Juwee leaves ko?" Tay Tay asks, changing out of her pyjamas. " Yes, we'll drop her stuff at her place first" they're leaving me today.

Few minutes after Juwee leaves the bathroom, Tay Tay goes in and leaves me to help Juwairiyah get ready to see Reedo. He's back for a few days. She's wearing a dress, one of those flay and full black dresses with statement sleeves, a white veil and white sneakers. " You look good" I comment as she wraps her veil around her head. " Thanks baby"

" Yeah, I knew it would fit" Tay Tay says the instant she gets out from the bathroom. " Well y'all should get ready let's get going. I'll go downstairs and fix you sometimes to eat, it's 10 minutes to 12 so hurry down before he comes"

Mixing hot tea for my girls is never hassle, Tay Tay prefers hers with more milk and Juwee is the exact opposite meanwhile I personally don't like to take milo and milk tea, I prefer Napa ginger and honey or any variety of Ahmad Tea with little sugar so I don't get diabetes.

I walk back to my room to get my hijab, shoes, hand bag and car keys, leaving them to enjoy breakfast. By the time I get back down, I meet Reedo looking extremely handsome in the kitchen with my girls. Newyork fits this dude like crazy. " A'ahn Reedo, see as you don fresh" our able class rep. I've missed him honestly. " Zakiyah" even his voice is deeper now, he's now all manly and finer. He was the Saleem of our set, a heartthrob that I'm so proud of. " How've you been?" I ask, smiling widely as I stare at Juwairiyah and Fareed standing together. She even finished her breakfast on time. " I've been great and you've grown a bit taller, look at you, you're now at my waist" Subhanallah. " You have come again" I respond, sending him a death glare. " Look at the penguin that's talking" Tay Tay fires on my behalf. " Just because you've grown from a toothpick to a bamboo stick doesn't mean you should be proud" oh my Allah. " If I catch you" Tay Tay groans and Fareed bursts into laughter. " you're not nice Allah" Juwee says and I blush at how shy my bestfriend is. " You know I love you guys very much, I even got you some goodies from Newyork. Don't mind me" He says and nudges at the tons of shopping bags on my kitchen table. " oh what did you bring, let's see" I say, happily going to check out the bags.

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