Chapter 28

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It was the next morning when my sleep slowly broke and I got up. I looked at the clock in front of me and saw that it was already 8:00 AM

I felt my head heavy and it was aching because last night I cried so much. I sat on my bed for two minutes and then eventually got up to go to the bathroom to freshen up myself.

After brushing my teeth I came back near the bed and saw that there was already a dress placed on the bed.

It was shorts and t-shirt , then I again went inside the washroom to take a shower and then wore the dress.

As I was rubbing my hairs with the towel there was a knock on the door. "Yes come in." I said and Sia entered.

"Good morning miss , please come with me so that Mr. Kim and you could have breakfast."

I nodded and followed her and reached the drawing room where Taehyung was already sitting.

He was wearing a black suit and was watching something on his phone. I sat too and then he saw me.

"Good morning princess." He said and I wished him back to avoid any fight between us.

Sia placed bread , butter and some hot soup for breakfast for both of us. "Enjoy your food." She said to both of us and then went away.

I took a deep breath and then began eating the food. The hot soup made me feel better since my head was paining.

"So...Did you slept well princess?" Taehyung asked taking a bite of his bread.

"Hm I did." I said avoiding eye contact with him and Taehyung noticed this because since the time I came I didn't even looked at him for once.

"What happened princess are you perhaps avoiding eye contact with me?" He said and I coughed in between as I was drinking my soup.

He just said the exact same thing which I was doing and that chocked me.
He immediately stood up and came to me rubbing my back gently.

"No...I'm not avoiding you." I lied and he hummed and sat back to his seat. Then we both ate our food in silence.

After some time he began speaking "Today I have to go to work as always and you will be here with Sia. If you need anything you can ask her.

And don't think to escape or to hurt her. She knows how to fight and she can break your neck in some seconds."

"Hmm" I said and looked around to find Sia looking at me with a creepy smile. I immediately turned my face.

Soon he got up and took his bag from the nearby couch and then came to me. "Take care of yourself princess." He said and kissed my forehead and went.

I hate him after I got to know about his real self but still when he kisses me even if it is a forehead kiss like now. It sets me on fire.

I took a deep breath and stood up. "Miss are you going somewhere?" Sia asked me and I nodded "To my room." I said and then she began walking with me to leave me in my room.

I came in my room and sat on the bed  just thinking about my sister and my dear ones.

I was feeling bad for Jason. I was feeling angry on myself that I am stuck here and don't know what to do.

I have to think wisely with every step I take. I don't know how big is this house or even where am I.

I don't know how I ended up here. The last thing I remember is that I became unconscious and then just woke up here.

I was thinking about all these things while sitting on the bed or either standing by the window trying my best to escape from here.

But I saw that there were cameras everywhere and that there were also electric wires.

"Miss it's lunch time." She said keeping the tray on the bed. I nodded and sat on the bed and began eating.


It was already evening and after Lunch I had slept for a while. I was feeling really lonely here and that too there is nothing that I can do.

It's just a simple plain room with nothing but a wall clock , a bed with some blankets and a washroom attached.

I wished that at least it should have some things like a drawing book or books so that I could either read or draw.

I was just simply laying on the bed looking at the ceiling when there was again a knock.

"Come in" I said and Sia came and I sat properly on the bed listening what she has to say.

"Miss it's soon gonna be dinner time and you have to be down to eat with Mr. Kim." She said and I nodded and she turned around to leave but I stopped her.

"Sia wait....umm actually I have nothing to do. So if you umm don't mind can I join you and see you or help you cook please." I asked standing.

She thought for some time and said. "Okay if you say so." She said and I thanked her and followed her.

I went with her inside the kitchen and saw her making kimchi fried rice with some tofu soup. I helped her too to cut some vegetables for the rice.

Time Skip

We had already made the dinner and I had talked with her too. She is actually sweet , she told me about her likes and dislikes and many other things.

"Umm Sia I got bored today and I think I will get bore more since I know you both are planning to keep me with you.

And don't you think that at least there should be books or paints so that I can draw or read?" I said.

"Hm you are right Mr. Kim is not in any mood to leave you. You can talk to him about this." She said and I sighed.

She even told me that Taehyung is really important in her life as once he saved her but when I asked her she didn't tell me.

"What's for dinner Sia?" Taehyung said while sitting on the table. "You should go and sit...I'll come." She said to me and I went to sit too.

Sia came and placed the dinner and then went back. We both ate dinner in silence.
"So how was your day princess?" Taehyung asked me.

"Ya...It was good. What about you?" I asked casually without paying attention on myself. I had decided that I will not ask or talk to him but I just failed at it.

"It was fine princess." He said and I hummed and soon finished my dinner.
He too finished his dinner and then stood up.

I wanted to ask him about the books and all but he just went away. So I decided I will talk to him later.

Then I too stood up and then Sia came with me and dropped me to my room. I thought about my family and that how to escape and soon slept.

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