"Pizza's good. Thank you."

He nodded and ducked his head before he shut the door in his place, leaving you alone. The creaky fan above you filled the silence, and you allowed your eyes to drape over everything in his room. You'd been in here a few times, but mostly you both would hang out at your old place, or go out. It was different being here now, knowing this was your new home until you'd found a way to support yourself and move somewhere else. 

You dumped your bags on the floor and sat on L's limp mattress. His room smelled of vanilla and coconut, and you thought maybe that was from his ensuite. There were a few posters littered on his cream walls, and he had a few random piles of books on his desk and nightstand. Beneath the window, was a cramped space for his record player and an assortment of vinyl. To keep the overwhelmed tears at bay, you distracted yourself by flicking through them. 

You knew this would take some getting used to. L was your best friend, and you knew he would do his best to make sure you were comfortable, but it was a completely different environment. You didn't know anything about his roommates either, which you knew would be a struggle given you were slightly awkward. 

Once you were finished reading through the titles of his records, you stood up and peeked inside the bathroom; taking note of the average-sized shower, small sink, and fogged glass window above the toilet. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was enough. 

You realised you couldn't hide away in L's room forever. You filled your lungs with a deep breath of air, shook out your hands, and left the only space you were somewhat familiar with. It was difficult to remember exactly where to go, but you eventually found the kitchen, where L stood leaning against a small dining table, on his phone. 

"Hey," you said, your voice slightly strained from barely using it. He turned his head and offered a smile before turning his phone off and tucking it away into his jeans. 

"Hey, you okay?" His voice was sympathetic, but you could hear the trace of confusion and worry in his tone. From the way his eyes darted to your neck, you could practically hear the curiosity in his question. 

"Yeah, just feeling a little lost honestly," you said, lifting out a chair to sit on. L didn't take a seat, he just turned his body so it was facing you. You felt like dropping your head into your hands, but you didn't want to appear as depressed as you felt, so you gave him a weak smile. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

You shook your head. "Where are your roommates?" 

"They're all out seeing a movie at the moment, they won't be back until a bit later." 

You held his grey stare, but blinked and looked away after a bit. L was a very observant person, and he had been dealing with you for over a year now. He could read you better than anyone else, including Light. Sometimes you hated that about him, but it also saved you a lot of effort, telling him what was wrong. 

"It'll be okay, Y/n," he said randomly, and you inhaled gently. He also wasn't the type to let stuff go easily, and he knew for you, the best way to get over something, was to talk it out. 

You decided to tell him your reason for leaving while you were both home alone. There was a lot of talking on your end, and a lot of listening on his. And he didn't react to any of it. His expression was calm and he gave you a few nods to let you know he was still listening, and at the end, when you couldn't talk anymore from the violent sobs and trembles, he gave you one of the best hugs you've ever had. 

L was right about his roomies not coming back until later; it was nighttime when a car beamed its lights from the driveway. A few minutes later, three figures walked into the house, one carrying pizza and the other two ranting about the movie. When they saw you and L sitting on the saggy couch in the lounge room, they froze. L must have mouthed something to them because their eyes flickered to him before they acted nonchalantly and pretended you weren't some random person in their house. 

"Hey..." a tall guy with spikey black hair began, his yellow eyes flitting back to you. He paired his half-assed introduction with a cheeky smile before he kicked the door shut and set the pizza down in front of you. You gave him a shy smile and a nod, your eyes flickering to the two girls behind him. 

"Guys, this is Y/n," L said after he cleared his throat, "Y/n, this is Ryuk," he gestured at the guy, "and that's Sayu and Rem." 

Rem was almost as tall as Ryuk, except she seemed to be the complete opposite. She had bleached hair with light blue tips that ended just above her shoulders. Her lips were plump and painted a darker blue, while her sunken eyes watched me carefully. 

Sayu was the only one of the three that met society's norms. With her brown hair framing her large doe eyes and small round lips, she looked like an ordinary college girl. 

"Y/n's going to be staying with us for a bit until she works some stuff out," L further adds, and you find yourself staring at your hands as you interlock your fingers tightly. Everyone mumbled something in understanding before sitting down and digging into the pizza. Ryuk flicked on the television, while L flashed an encouraging smile. 

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