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Flashback - Age 13

It was second break and you had found a perfect spot under a tree to have your lunch. You sat down with your lunch box after laying your jacket beneath you for the wet grass and began unpacking your sandwich from the box. Flickers of sunlight streamed in from the canopy above you, and if it weren't for the loud kids laughing nearby, you would've thought you were anywhere except this hellhole school. 

You had always struggled with making and keeping friends, but this year you had been a target of bullying. Bullying about your hair, your clothes, your lunch. Bullying about you being bullied. It was fucking cruel, and no matter how many times Light stuck up for you, it never went away. 

Today was not an exception. 

You shielded your vision from the midday sun as you looked up at the person who had invaded your alone time. 

Misa Amane. 

You tried not to scoff at her childish pigtails and caked on makeup, but clearly your face reacted in some way because she snarled at you, revealing her pink braces. 

"Where did you get that ugly sweater from?" You flinched, not expecting her to be so abrupt. Usually her bitchiness came at a digestible rate, not straight to the point. Your gaze went down to your yellow sweater with a brown bear embroidered on the chest. 

"It looks like something you'd find in the bottom of a bin," she cackled, folding her arms across her chest. You shook your head and began unwrapping your sandwich. This week had already been bad enough; a snarky comment about your sweater was nothing in comparison to the shit you'd get at home. 

"Don't shake your head at me!" She yelled, leaning down and snatching your sandwich off you. She pulled the bread apart, revealing the strawberry jam you had layered on this morning, and threw both slices at you. You frowned as you looked down at your sweater; two pieces of jam covered bread accessorising it. Misa stormed off and you sighed, packing away your lunch box into your bag. 

There wasn't much more of lunch break to go, since you'd spent half of it looking for a secluded enough place to eat. The bell rang just as you'd made it to a water bubbler, and you sighed again. 

In the future, you wouldn't bring a sandwich to school with something so sticky. You took your bag off and held the water bubbler on with your knee once you peeled the sandwich off your clothes and put it in the bin. You didn't pull your sleeves up before cupping the cold water in your hands, and you sighed more angrily as the water soaked your sleeves. 

You tried to wash off the bright pink jelly, but to no avail. Now you were sticky and wet, and decided you'd hide it out in the toilets for the rest of the day. Just as you stepped foot into the girls toilets, you heard a voice call out your name. 

"Y/n, what are you doing? Last period is about to start," Light said as he jogged over to you, his expression etched with concern. You slowly dragged your tired eyes to him, turning around to reveal the state of your sweater.  

"Just take it off, it's fine, you're gonna be late," he said, stepping out of the way of the toilet, indicating that you follow. You shook your head and ran into the toilet block, locking yourself in a cubicle and sitting on the closed lid. You sniffled and used your wet sleeves to wipe your face. 

You don't know what you were expecting, but you definitely didn't think Light was going to somehow unlock the toilet stall and walk into the cubicle, shutting it behind him. 

"Light, get out," you warned, not wanting him to start asking questions like he always does. Instead, he takes his bag off and sits on it, elevating himself off the disgusting floor. You eye him suspiciously. 

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