
669 21 4

  Hi. It's me, the person who made this story. Sheesh it's been maybe 2 years? When I first made BLUE KAMISAMA, I created and finished the story at 2 AM. As I read it back now, it was rushed, I don't like it. But— I was surprised nonetheless that tens of thousands of people read it and enjoyed it. I lied, a lot. I always posted that I'll make more stories or I'll fix up BLUE KAMISAMA. Total bullshit. I procrastinated, lost motivation, didn't feel like writing at all. I still always have these emotional stories I make up in my head but I could never write them down. I want so badly to share more stories and interact with you all; make a community. But my popularity is short-lived and BLUE KAMISAMA is my main source of being able to see people interact.

I don't know where I'm going with this, let's just say I desperately want to write more—share more and maybe even have a more mature audience so everyone can understand what I'm saying but I gotta make another hit story for that to happen. I don't even have the motivation for it either. I was always expressive whenever I wrote but it's hard for me to focus on making a long ass story hence why BLUE KAMISAMA is so shitty and short.

I want to be able to talk to you guys about other animes, manwhas, fandoms without having an empty community. I want people to read my story and be utterly moved to absolute tears or emotions. But to do that, I have to write. I want to just; talk to people without having to hide anything y'know? Im going into different topics, I lose track a lot.

I cannot promise that I'm "back." Just wanted to share my thoughts. Maybe I'll fix BLUE KAMISAMA into a better story. Maybe not.

Seeing people around the world still read this and oddly like it makes me fascinated. I'm even more shocked that I ranked #1 for a VERY long time. But I dropped a lot of ranks.

Thank you for enjoying this story that I made when I was even younger than I am right now. As I said, maybe I'll fix BLUE KAMISAMA or make new stories. But it will be more mature. But maybe I won't.
Again, thank you. For just, experiencing what I created.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ