chapter 28

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Laylas pov

I woke up with the sun in my eyes it was kinda frustrating to be woken up by the sun. Tony's hand was wrapped around my waist and his hair messed up in his face .

I kissed his cheek he opened his eyes.

Tony:  Baby not now let's still sleep last night was a long night after the church .

Layla :  Fine but only for a kiss.

Hs kissed me and and shut his eyes. I laughed at him.
His head was in my neck he looked peaceful.
I woke up from the bed put on one white dress shirt and my underwear.

I went to the kitchen and the doctor phoned me.
Layla: Hey doc watsup?
Doctor :Hey Layla I got Tony's results I asked him to come the other week and it looks like he is all cleared he ain't gonna die anytime soon he can drink rbut keep in on the low this is not going to be passed down family generation to generation so he is perfectly fine now .
Layla:Doc thank you so much I am internally grateful thank you so much .

Doctor:No problem Layla.

He hanged up I was happy I don't lose my husband in 1 months time omg.!!!

Tony:  What you so happy about?

He came and wrapped his arms around me I looked at him and kissed him passionately.

Layla: You ain't going to leave me any time soon.

Tony:What do you mean I don't understand.

Layla: The doctors said you all cleared your test you ain't dying any time soon he said you can drink but keep it low but i ain't allowing  that and it ain't going to pass on generation to generation.

Tony:Are you serious that means I am free .
He kissed me again and huged me.

Tony:I love you to the moon and back I love you so much I promise to be the best husband there ever was.

Layla: I love you to and you already  is even thought it been 10 hours.

He laughed and we kissed .
Tony:  OK now I got an idea.

Layla: What?

Tony:You look extremely sexy and I want to show you off the the whole world so I organized a trip to 🇨🇺 ( Cuba fall I think) for our honeymoon I know you wanted to go there so let's pack some clothes and got onto Cuba ok.

Layla:Yeah that's amazing.
I kissed him and went to pack my clothes .

Cuba here I come.

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