chapter 24

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Laylas pov

I woke up next to my mom for 3 weeks in a row without Tony I had a awful sleep without him normally he kissed me to wake me up he made me breakfast in bed.

I walked out of my room and went to my balcony.i picked my phone up and phoned Tony I think it was 4 am so hopefully he answered.

It rang 3 times  and he answered.

Tony: Baby wastup normally we call at 10.

Layla: I am missing you I never held you and kissed you in 3 weeks I never have a proper sleep I look awful I just want you to be with me.

Tony : OK I will be there in 20 minutes.

Layla:Thanks baby I love you.

Tony:  I love you to baby.

I waited outside for him with my black leather jacket he came in fast.
He opened the door and walked to me I put my hands around his neck and kissed him it felt I was in heaven I felt I could fly. He hands traveled to my waist bringing me closer to him.

We pulled apart gasping for breathe.

Layla: I missed you more than anything .

Tony: You look like you never slept in months.

Layla: I know I never got the best of sleep when you not with me.

Tony: Come on let me take you home sleep there .

Layla: I can't I am taking my mom for chemotherapy  five in the morning she will wake up now.

Tony: OH ok message me when you free we can go somewhere .

Layla: Thank you

Tony: Babe you gonna be my wife soon no need for that.

He leaned for a kiss I immediately kiss him back pulling him closer. He pressed me on the car continuing kissing .
We pulled apart .

Tony: See you later I guess

He kissed me on the forehead.

He drove off. I let out a breathe.

I woke my mom up and we went to the hospital.
While she was in chemotherapy I went to a vending machine to get something to eat . I placed my money in it and selected lays it got stuck come on this chat be happening I banged it never came out until someone banged it from the side I looked up and saw OMFG!!!!

Alex:Layla Gray nice to meet you again.

I took my chips that fell and tried to walk to my mom.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him .

Layla: Let let me go ! Please I got someone in my life please no let me go!

Alex: Fine but please talk to me please I am your love of your life.

Layla: You not I love guy he is my love of my life now let me go!!

I pulled away going to my mom she was all done we went back home. I got so frustrated my phone started to ring I saw Tony photo  and my nickname I out on my phone for him my love. I answered it .

Tony: Hey babe I am coming to pick you up pack some clothes I need you to sleep with me today your mom can atheist give me one day to be with the love of my life so please pack some clothes  I am coming to pick you up.

Layla: Not today Tony I am sorry but not today my mom not doing well (lies) next time

Tony:  OK OK It's fine speak to you later.

Layla:I am going to bed early.

Tony: OK tell your mom I said get well soon. I love you have a good night sleep.

Layla: Yeah bye

I hanged up in him.

I cried sliding down on my cupboard all those memories of Alex and me are coming back the bad ones are .

I  was crying on my balcony.

Until I felt 2 hands wrapping around me waist I had to be Tony but I turned and looked it was Alex I pulled apart from him.

Alex: What's wrong Layla come on let's be together please .

Layla: Alex I can't I am with someone else I am gonna marry him.

He leaned on me and kissed me roughly I think I chiped my tooth .

I heared a something fell I pulled away from him and saw Tony a tear escaped his eye I think he had flowers in his hands but if was on the floor.

Layal:Babe he leaned and kissed me I never want to.

Tony : Now I see  you want to be with this guy I get it you should have told me you liked this guy I would have left you alone I am so sorry I never get your name I am Tony.

I felt broken he said that.

Alex:I am Alex who you?

Tony: OH me I am the stupid fool that thought I was in love I found my girl I am that fool but I guess I am so wrong.

Layla: Alex leave !!

He left
Layal:Babe listen to me I don't like him  nothing I did love him in a point in my life but I was 16 .

Tony: He kissed you that all that matters.

Layla:Like you never kissed Kira like you never want to get married to her huh when you were 14 you fell in love with her when I was 16 I fell in live him he was the only one there for me.

Tony: I was there but you never wanted to tell me I wa there beside you I was there yes I thought Kira was the one but when I turned 16 I wanted you.

He pulled my hand and took put the ring.

Tony: It looks like you don't need that.

Layla: Tony....... no I..........

Tony:- Go marry Alex dont talk to me don't do anything for me don't you dare even come close to me and when I die do not come for my funeral.

Layla: What are you saying I Love you Tony I want you I want you and only you.

Tony: It's over leave me alone!!

I took his hand were the ring was .

Layla: no Tony no give me the ring.

Tony:You want this pice less metal no value to you ok find .

He threw it out of the balcony.

He put hisnhands together in a praying form

Tony: please please leave me alone please.

He started to breakdown crying. He left I tried catching up to him but my dad grabbed me before he got into the car.

Tony's pov

She kissed him she was mine j was only supposed to kiss her I was .

I banged my hand on the steering wheel i went to the nearest open liquor store and bought a bottle oh Jameson it started to rain I drove to the cliff  I stand on the cliff screaming and drinking o remember the docs saying if I t drank a whole bottle of I would die .

I gulped half of the bottle looking at my phone throught my fams pic that it went to layalas photos threw my phone before even took the last sip someone punched the bottle put of my hand and pulled my collar.

Layla: You are insane you know what the doctor said if you drank more than a bottle you would die in matter of seconds why Tony why!!!

She cried into my shirt .

Hope you'll like it natasa2202  thank you for the inspiration made it extra long for you hope you like it .

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