chapter 27

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Laylas pov

I was just about to press my lips onto his and he pulled away.

Tony: I can't Layla I just can't the doctor said I am going too...

I stoped him with a kiss.  His hands went to my waist depending the kiss and  bringing me closer to me I could feel his abs I miss kissing him I missed him I didn't feel this way when i kiss Alex only him.

Layla: I don't care what the doctor  says I love you and only you. I want you to be my lover not Alex not anyone else you hear me Tony and if you don't accept I will never be happy .

I cried little bit this past 5 years not seeing torreto or kissing him  I can't bear it without him he just means to much for me.

He kissed me again . He brought me to his chest I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe again I felt warmth.

Layla:  How much time do you have ?

I had sadness in my voice.

Tony:  A month .

Layla: What!?

Tony:Yeah that's why I wanted to come one last time to see you'll to see you.

Layla:  Anything can stop it?

Tony:  Yeah surgery but I don't want to be hooked onto wires.

Layla:Tony if it means for you to be ok and live take the chance please for your mom dad the gang for me please.

Tony: OK  but only 1 condition you marry me right now .

Layla: Right now consider it done but let me go talk to Alex first then I will come to the church . See you in a few.

I kissed him and went to Alex's apartment.

Alex:Babe where were you?

Layla: I am so sorry I am going to do this but I don't want you as my boyfriend I felt sad unhappy without Tony and I now realize I can't live without him as my guy . Alex I am extremely  sorry but I want you to go find some knew who is going to make you more happy the most happiest than here . I am sorry.

Alex :  It's OK I felt it to for the past 5 years I was unhappy and I think I found the girl in Wisconsin.  Thanks Layla and Tony is a good man for you I hope you and him have a unbreakable bond.

We huged and he left .
I drove the fastest I could to the church hopefully the priest was there at midnight.

I saw Tony leaning by his car waiting for me .

Tony: You ready to be officially called Layla torreto .
Layla: I was always ready.

I kissed him our last kiss has boyfriend and girlfriend.

We walked up to see the priest ready and waiting.

Priest Jonathan:Ah Tony I was wondering when I could marry you I  remember it was like it yesterday I married your parents  and your cousins and your grand parents and who is this Fine  young looking women I am getting you marry to .

Tony: This is Layla Gray the love of my life .

Priest Jonathan: Layla Gray I remember I married your grandparents here fond times your grandfather was my best friend . Ok enough talking you'll 2 must be pinning to get married. Ok Tony the rings .

He reached for his back pocket and pulled out to chains .

Priest Jonathan:Ahh Tony going torreto style I see .Ok Tony take one chain and place it over Laylas head .

He placed over my head as the metal touched my chest I felt butterflies go off in my stomach.

Priest Jonathan: Tony your vowels please.

Tony: Layla I loved you since the day I saw you that day I knew you were mine throught thin and think you stayed with me you saved you loved me even though I was a nut Crack but you also showed me how to love someone . I love you Layla Gray yoh are my ride or die I will always love you until I die .

Priest Johnathan: OK Layla place your chain around Tonys neck and say your vowels.

I placed it on his neck his and my hands laced with eachothers.

Layla: Tony you are the man who showed me the real meaning of life you were the one who saved from my nonsense you are the guy I want to be the father of my children through up and downs you were with me you were there when I cried you were therewhen I laugh you were always there for me . Tony you are my ride or die I will always love you till I die.

Priest Johnathan: Wow beautiful  words now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride Tony.

He pulled me into a long kiss my hands were around his neck and his was in Mt lower back . We pulled away and look at eachother. Finally I can officially call him mine.
My husband.
We drove back to Tony's place.

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