chapter 26

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Tony's pov

I was walking on the beach alone ik sad but I love walking in the beaches but I pictured it with Layla . No No Tony no you are supposed to be happy and single nit thinking about your ex even though she is the love of your life . I feel I was like dying each day not because of the sickness but without seeing my family not seeing Layla I was dying I had to I decided just to see them once then gonna I packed my bags and got onto a plane and headed to LA .

I drove back into my old car I used to use with the gang I missed this car looks like knowwhere took all the gadgets out but still looks how I left it perfect . I drove to the garage

No one there I jumped out took a look of the place old memories but one got stuck in my mind when Layla first came into the garage we had a bull riding competition she was the only 1 who could be me at anything.  I heared a familiar  voice and turned around.

Sashie:  Hey who are you this is private property. Its belongs to knowwheres ex gang  so please leave .

Tony: I know I broke up with hte gang but I never expected to get kicked out I am apart of knowheres ex gang and when did it become knowheres gang it was always torretos gang.

Sashie: Tony.....

He came and gave me a bear hug.

Sashie: Omg long time no see brother happy belated birthday.

Tony: thanks you and echo are married?

Sashie: Yeah you were the best man .

Tony: But I wasn't there

Sahsie: I know that's why there was a space between me and Cisco I left it because you was the best man even though you weren't there.

Tony: aww thanks man.

Sashei:Come on you are on time the gang are having a reunion.  First you need to shave because no one gonna recognize you.

Tony: Yeah ok let's hit my old place first.

I went to my place had a bath, shaved and went to knowheres house for the reunion.

We walked in seeing frostee Cisco pallendrome playing beer pong echo knowhere and layla talking by the snacks.

Sashie: Look who I brought .

Tony: Hey guys

I waved my hands they look at me with surprise and frostee and Cisco gave me a huge hug I think I was about to fall . I asked hands with knowhere and pallendrome . I huged echo and then I huged Layla .

Layla:Don't you ever leave again ok I was worried sick about you.

Tony: OH come on a guy got to live his life.

Layla:I don't care  your my family I don't want you dying on me so I don't care you staying .

We both laughed .

Tony:Fine I will stay for a whole.

Layla:Good because you got alot to catch up on.

Me and layla talked all night .

We drove off to our normal hang out place it used to be our making out place but we ain't together so yeah.

Tony: How's Alex

Layla:He is fine just I don't feel good with him like I don't want to be with him.


Layla: I am still in love with you .

She came out her hands around my neck and......

Hope you like it

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