🌺Outside The Screen

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Technoblade p.o.v

The streams ended. When everyone joined the voicechat, Olive mumbled a quick goodbye and left.

I was silent during the call. Trying to stay unnoticeable. Everyone amazed from Wilbur's crazy performance.

"So, what now?"
Fundy asked.

"Well, I think there will be an intermission. We are accepting new members and all. And everyone has to recover from the tragedies that happened.
I have another plan for C!Wilbur, though."
Wilbur announced.
I'm sure it'll be interesting.

"I think that L'manburg will accept the newcomers, and since Technoblade is a threat to the nation, they'll try to hunt him down. What do you think, Techno?"
Tubbo proposed.

"Oh, uh, yea. Good idea."
I mumbled, not very focused.

"Hey, are you okay, mate? You seem-"
Phil started.
"-I'm fine. Just... tired."
I replied.

"I-If we may ask, Techno...
What went there with Olive...?"
Niki carefully asked the question I've been avoiding so much.

"Are you lovebirds irl, too?"
Tommy asked bluntly.

I wasn't sure how to answer.

"Oh, crap."
Quackity filled the silence.

"-my, uh, family is calling me. Bye"
I quickly excused myself.

I got out of the call, and just leaned back on the chair, face in my hands. I can't imagine what would happen when my family returns and sees the clip that will obviously be posted everywhere...

My phone wouldn't stop pinging from twitter notifications. I grumbled, shutting it down.

I saw it coming, as she leaned forwards
in panic. And I let it happen.
I can't believe I just let it happen.
I should've pulled away quicker.
We should've scripted her what to do, not just drop this on her last-minute.

My fingers touched my lips, where I could feel hers on mine.
Damn this minecraft update.
But do I really regret it?
I could feel myself getting flustered.
I almost gave into it.

This whole ordeal didn't feel... wrong.
But it didn't feel right, either.

What now?
I should talk to her.
She probably shut down her phone, too.

I reached for my computer again.
The others, of course, were still chatting.
I got to my private chat with Olive and pressed the green button, praying that she'll answer but also won't because how nerve-wracking this is.

After what felt like an eternity, the call started.
"Olive! I-"

"Techno, this is her brother."
A familiar voice replied.

"I really need to speak to her."
I insisted.

"Yea, I know. I saw what happened.
She's not taking it well."
AJ sighed.

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