I hear him sigh in front of me, taking my cup away. "I think its time to get you home-"

"I really like this song," -man ion even know the lyrics. But I cut him off abruptly before he could talk any sense into me, "I wanna dance! You wanna dance?! 'Cause I wanna dance!"


"Welp! Guess I'm dancing by myself then!" Why the fuck are you screaming! I escape before he can get a hold of me. And at first I feel guilty because I know he's only acting out of genuine care but I'm the older one. I don't need Marc's pity or his care.

My wobbly legs carry me away from the burning stares of the people at the bar. Away from their judgement, their amusement at my pain, and for some, their lustful stares. Somehow me getting dumped tonight translates to "I wanna be up under someone else"

I'm thrust into the exact crowd I didn't want to be anywhere near moments before. Sweaty, handsy, tightly-packed bodies. Bodies too close for my comfort. They push me around a little, ping-ponging me from person to person like its nothing.

I lock eyes with Amanda somehow, her gaze like a stinging slap I wasn't prepared for. She smirks at me, but that smile is soon turned to the boy who spins her around. I gotta get the fuck outta here.

And that's when I bump into them. A figure sitting on the love seat in the dark corner.

We collide with a faint mph and they chuckle nervously, steadying me before I could fall further into their lap. Their soft voice apologizes, what for? I don't know. It's not like they're the one who dragged me in this bih, proceeded to stomp on my heart, And force-feed me alcohol to numb the pain.

"What you 'pologizing for?" I slur now that we're both standing up. But I'm lazy so I lean on them for support.

I'm guessing I was a bit too close because immediately I feel them tense up.


I huff, annoyed that I couldn't see their face that well under the dim lighting, and annoyed that they couldn't see mine. 'Cause if it were possible, they'd see that they're kinda irritating me with allat unnecessary apologies. 

I feel their hands on me though. Nothing sexual, just a platonic but firm grip on my side to keep me from bringing us both down.

"...Hey did you come here with someone?-...are you okay?-...can I call someone to come get you?-..."

But I also feel Amanda's burning eyes, at least that's what the paranoid voice in my head tells me. So my next move is a bold one but I don't care. I wont remember tomorrow anyways.

"Dance with me?" I place a steady hold on the stranger's hips and shut out any nervous thoughts.

"W-What?!" They practically squeak, sounding all types of flustered.


I move my face closer, coming in contact with what I hope is their cheek before my lips move against the soft skin. "Dance. With. Me...please?" They hesitate for a moment and the sting of rejection from before starts to build up all over again. But to my surprise, they give in, body going lax against mine with a sigh.

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