Attempted end

384 8 6

Another Picrew basically evo him lol

Cliff, chat, scar idk what else to say about it

TW!: Attempted suic!de

Season 7

No one's POV

Scar was skipping around the pond to Grian's hobbit hole when he saw Grian fly out landing on a tall tree before yanking up his sleeve and looking at the back of his hand then taking out his communicator out flipping it open then turning so his back was towards the Mayor then taking off again. Scar knew that meant he had quordenates written down so he was going somewhere. He took off following him he just felt as if he had to.

It was a long flight the sun was slowly setting as they landed, Scar quickly hid behind a tree weary about the fact theirs a cliff edge and a small clearing. He saw Grian take his bag off from his shoulder his elytra, armor and tools soon to follow being placed on the ground far back from the edge.

The wizard was lost as Grian walked to the edge and sat crisscrossed  watching the sin set in the distance. 'Why did he take is stuff off?' "what if mobs kill him' 'he wouldn't be able to get his stuff fast enough to save himself' were things running through his head. He was snapped out of it cause he herd Grian humming a tune he's herd him hum before. He also heard him singing it one time while working on build, but it wasn't happy like the hums made it out to be but when he was singing he brushed it off as him hearing something that sounds happy but not understanding the lyrics. He noticed Grian switch position his legs now dangling off the edge of the cliff. 

"My legs are dangling off the edge a stomach full of pulls didn't work again I put a bullet in my head and i'm gone, gone, gone, gone. Gone to far yea i'm gone again gone on to long tell you how it ends i'm sitting on the edge with my 2 best friends ones a bottle of pills and one's a bottle of gin"

He heard Grian singing the same song lightly making him realize he knew the song word for word and the exact meaning as he continued the song.

There was a small moment where Grian slid closer to the edge, then it clicked of what he was gonna do. He had to think fast he was barley on the edge of this cliff and if he moved farther he would fall to his death. As he saw Grian start to move he darted to him pulling him away and pinning him on his stomach hands behind his back. He couldn't get up scar had his stuck.

"S-scar let me go" Grian says giving up on the happiness as he squirmed under the mayors grasp "No! Grian I know what you were doing i'm not letting it happen!".

"Scar it's safer for everyone if i'm gone. I've killed an entire server population, I don't wanna do it again.. Pearl and Tom were brought here after watchers revived them I can't hurt them again..." 

"Grian, its not worth killing yourself!" Scar cried taking out his communicator

Goodtimeswithscar: Xisuma! -31824, 2853 NOW NO TIME TO WAIT!! NO ONE ELSE!!!

Xisumavoid: On my way!

X got there fast, it was a good thing he was out exploring and was near by. But he was very confused why Grian was being pinned to the ground by Scar with his stuff in a pile next to a tree at the edge of a cliff. But in the short time it took Xisuma to get there Grian had given up on fighting and begging to be let up.

"Scar? Whats going on?" X asked crouching down next to Grian moving the hair from his eyes before the builder turned his head away from the admin a visible frown on his face. "He was gonna kill himself this was the only thing I could think to stop him"

"Grian, is this true?.." The voidwalker asks the small builder There was a long pause where wall you could hear were the sounds of the leaves rustling as the wind went by. 

"Just let me die, i'm not worth wasting your time to try to save you have better things to be doing" Grian grumbled trying to escape the wizards grasp once more "Grian you are worth our time, I already know what happened in your past and I don't care. you couldn't control it and besides if your worried about hurting Pearl and Tom again I've already talked to them and they aren't afraid of you and they don't hate you. And if it ever comes to a point where we need to worry about it happening again we'll take care of it then, All admins agreed we'll take care of things like this in a way that wont hurt anyone. I also know that you would rather be stuck with Sam instead thinking that you'll hurt us but I refuse to let you go anywhere near that bastard." X states. There was silence.. 

"S-scar let me up" Grian whined as Scar saw tears in his eyes. The mayor slowly got off him staying on the side of him closer to the cliff if he tried anything when he got up and hugged Xisumavoid crying into his chest wanting noting more then to feel safe and wanted.

The end I guess idk how to end it lol

Ihave like 3 or 4 more stories for this book on there way so heh

929 words much smaller then usual

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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