"i'd love to help but im a little short on money..... drinks on me!" june said, the bar erupting into cheers causing zuko to grow angrier.

zuko grabbed her wrist and got up in her face,
"money isn't what i had in mind..."

"i need you to find someone." zuko said as he held up kataras necklace. sennas eyes landed on the necklace, it was truly beautiful.

then she remembered how she left them. well she didn't really leave them, she was kinda with them to see if zuko would actually come after her and he did.

"what happened? your other girlfriend ran off on you?" june smirked.

"it's not the girl im after, it's the bald monk she's traveling with."

oh god, aang.

"whatever you say."

"if you find them, i'll consider the damage on my ship paid for."

june scoffed, "forget it."

"plus we'll pay your weight in gold." iroh added on.

june looked at the older man, "make it your weight and we have a deal."

iroh laughed, "you've got it!"

june then grabbed the necklace and puts it infront of the shirshus noise, "get on!" she said to the two lovers and the old man and they hop on, zuko grabbing sennas waist tightly, making her know that he doesn't want her out of his sight.

not again.


the four traveled through a couple towns that the avatar had been through, and after a while they rode into a trench clearing where katara and sokka stood. the shirshu cornered them and zuko jumped off the beast.

sennas eyes lingered to sokka who wouldn't even look at her. she frowned and jumped off the beast too, now standing next to zuko.

"so this is your other girlfriend, no wonder she left, she's too pretty for you." june spoke from the beast.

"where is he?! where is the avatar?" zuko asked the two watertribe siblings.

"we spilt up, he's long gone." sokka said, standing protectively in front of his sister.

"how stupid do you think i am?" zuko snarled.

"pretty stupid...run!" the shirshu then hits the siblings with its tongue and they fall to the ground, paralyzed.

"what do we do now?" sennas asked from zukos side. the beast then walked over to the siblings and starts to sniff sokkas bag.

"it's sensing a different scent, probably something the avatar held." june said as a map rolled open and the shirshu finds it as the avatars scent.

the group bursts through the abbey and the shirshu walked in circles before reaching up to hit the avatar who was gliding in the air. the animal falls on its back, knocking everyone down.

senna falls on top of zuko. her eyes widen as she blushes and tries to hide it. she helps him up and immediately runs over to sokka and katara.

"are you okay?" she asked, worriedly. she knelt in front of sokka who laid on the ground on his stomach.

"doing just fine, how about you?" the boy groaned causing senna to slightly laugh.

gosh she's missed him and she's hoping that she can explain to him why she was with zuko, again.

some of the ladies of the abbey help the siblings get to a safe corner as zuko, aang and june fight and destroy the abbey.

"look im sorry about you guys being paralyzed and im sorry about leaving you guys." senna said, mainly toward sokka who seemed to be the only one right now who doesn't hate her guts.

he was relieved the girl was okay and he understood why she was with him.

he found where we were and took her away, again.

"if you're sorry then why are you still with him? why didn't you try to look for us again?" katara spat, angrily.

senna glared at the water bender, "you guys don't understand, i can't just leave him."

"all he does is hurt us. i wouldn't be surprised if he one day hurts you too."

katara was right, all zuko did was hurt her. he hurt her the moment she left with him. she needed to get away, for good. she needed to disappear from his life.

"look im not arguing with you on this but i need to get back and help my friend." senna glared and walked away.

a lady from the abbey gives both siblings a sniff of perfume which gives them feeling back in their limbs and sokka runs over to senna.

"wait!" sokka called after her, grabbing her wrist gently, "i got something for you." he hands her a small box.

senna smiled and opened the box, any anger she felt vanished within seconds. it was her ring, the one she lost all those weeks ago, "oh my gosh! you found it?!"

sokka rubbed the back of his neck, "i found it back on kyoshi after you left, i should of gave it to you back when i saw you last but i forgot."

the girl smiled as sokka put the ring on sennas finger. she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a a hug. sokka begins to blush uncontrollably so he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

"thank you sokka." she whispered with a smile, pulling away from the boy.

"yeah, uh, um no problem." sokka shuttered, trying to hide the fact that he was now nervous around her again.

just weeks ago, he was fine with her and now he was nervous again.

"how does it look." he looked down at her hand and held it, smiling.

"it looks amazing." the girl giggled. before she could respond, she heard a loud crashing noise from behind her. she turned around and spotted zuko on the ground.

sending sokka one last smile, she rushed over to the boys side, "zuko!" she helped him stand which shocked her.

he allowed me to help him.

"are you okay?" she asked, noticing the new cuts on his face. she placed her hands on his cheeks.

the boy softly smiled and nodded. he began having this weird feeling. like the whole world went quiet and it was just him and her.

the girl looked back at sokka who frowned.

she had to choose.

she had to choose one of them.

the boy whose she's known for years and although he took her away from her life, she felt comfortable and never wanted to leave his side.


the boy who saved her. the boy who believed she was good and wasn't evil. the boy who kept her ring safe and gave it back to her.

which boy?

stolen away, zukoWhere stories live. Discover now