Natalie's mom

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It has been weeks since the PizzaPlex was burned down, and you decided to raise Natalie with her father, Sundrop/Moondrop. One day, you were waiting outside a school where Natalie now goes while Sundrop/Moondrop waits back home. You then see her go to you and you two hugged, until a van with a logo that says Department of orphaned children pulled over and a person asks if the girl you're hugging was Natalie Bright. You answered yes and the lady says that they had a woman named Amelia Bright that wants her daughter back. You remembered that Natalie told you about that lady and you try to explain the story, but they say that they are going to have to take Natalie from you, but you refuse to give Natalie away. She didn't take no kindly, so she had two of her men beat you up bad as she grabbed Natalie by the arm, dragging her in the van. All you could hear was Natalie calling your name until the men stops beating you up, get in the van and drove away, taking Natalie from your custody.

(You continue how you like to play through the scenario)

Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach RpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora