Chapter 9

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* 3 month later*

"Happy Birthday!" We all shout as everyone stands in our kitchen, celebrating Alex's 5th birthday, and 5 years since we lost Carl. "You're 5!" I cover him in kisses as Rick holds him on his hip. "You're officially, a big boy" he laughs while tickling Alex causing him to burst out in giggles. "Hes grown up so quick" Shane stands opposite us with Daryl by his side. "And im gonna say it for the 100th time, he still looks like Rick" everyone bursts out laughing, knowing how much I hate people saying that "okay okay im aware hes not even my child hes all ricks" I laugh while playing with Alexs hair. "Hes the sweetest boy just like his amazing mama" Maggie chimes in with a smile causing me to smile back at her. I stand and look at Rick for a moment, the happiness I see in his face watching Alex play with his toys, he has so much love for him. "Final cheers everyone, to Carl, we miss you buddy" Daryl shouts out, everyone holds their glasses up and repeat after Daryl, including Rick. I take hold of his hand and squeeze it tight "I love you" I whisper to him. "Alright everyone we gotta get him to bed, thank you guys for making today special, for him and Carl" We hug everyone goodbye and slowly close the door behind Carol as she is last to leave.

"Our little boy is 5, god its gone so so quick" Rick groans as his body flops onto the couch while Alex plays with his toys on the floor. "I know, its crazy how quickly its gone, and how hes going to be a big brother" I stand looking at Alex, pretending I didnt say anything to winde Rick up. "What?" He quickly sits up off the couch. "Alex do you want to tell daddy that present now!!" I sit down beside Rick as Alex runs over "Mama has a baby in her tummy" he jumps up and down and into Ricks lap. "Are you serious?" He turns and looks at me, I look at him worried for a moment, thinking maybe this was the wrong thing to do. "Yea, im pregnant, 3 months in" I smile. I watch his face change as a tear rolls down his cheek "this is amazing" He places Alex down and pulls me across and onto him, he wraps his arms tightly around me and covers me in kisses "we are having a baby, again" he sobs into my shoulder. "I know baby i know" I hold him close. "Im so happy, hey Alex a baby!!" He puts his arm out and pulls Alex into our hug. The three of us about to turn 4.

"Goodnight sweetie" I give Alex a kiss on the forehead before leaving his bedroom. I walk back down the stairs and find Rick sitting outside on our porch. "Hey, you okay?" I ask as I sit beside him on our swinging chair. "Im so happy we get another chance, I cant help but wish Carl was here" he looks off into the distance while finishing his sentence. "I know he wouldve been great" I take hold of his hand and hold it tight. "hes watching over them, making sure theyre safe and sound" he turns and looks at me with a smile "yea he is". "Are we going to keep this a secret until you're very obviously pregnant or can I tell people?" Rick asks while fiddling with the ring on his finger. "You can tell some people, our closest of friends" I smile at him while one of those close people come walking over. "You guys alright?" Daryl comes walking over, placing himself opposite us on the stairs leading to our door. "Yea fine, just missing Carl" he nods his head. "yea we all miss the dude" he picks at the brother floorboards. 

I turn and look at Rick and give him a nod to confirm he can tell Daryl, I feel like he needs the excitement of his brother knowing. "wanna be the first to know something?" Rick catches Daryls attention "what is it?" his voice sounding intrigued. "We are having another baby" Rick turns, placing his hand on my tiny tiny bump. "No way" a smile grows across his face as he stands up and pulls myself and Rick in for a hug. "thats great, congratulations" he sits back down with the smile still on his face. "Boy or girl?", "dont know yet, another month or so then we can have a little scan up at hilltop and ill find out" I hold onto Ricks hand and rest my head on his shoulder. "I hope its a girl for her sake" Rick giggles causing Daryl to also join in "for her sake I just hope it looks like her", "alright alright, im going to head to bed, you guys can keep talking" I get up laughing and make my way to the bedroom. 

I slide into bed letting out a deep groan as my body moulds into the mattress. I start to drift to sleep when im woken up by Rick getting into bed. "Daryl gone?" I moan while trying to stay half asleep. "Yea he is, hes on guard tonight" he gets into bed beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist and laying close. "I cant believe we are having another one" he whispers, I roll over and look up at him "same, another mini grimes" the two of us smile at eachother. "Now that Alex is getting older, i think we should sit and talk to him about whats going on out there, teach him some things incase he is ever in a situation somehow where he has no choice but to defend himself" I look at Rick like hes crazy "what?" I sit up and turn our lamp on. "We need to, if we ever get invaded and hes somehow left alone, id feel better knowing if something happened to him that he did know what to do and wasnt left scared and helpless" I sit looking down the hallway to Alexs bedroom door. "You're right" I turn back to him. "we will start teaching him some things, but please lets remember hes only 5, I want him to stay my sweet boy Rick" he rolls his eyes at me "he may look like me but he has not got my personality, hes going to be sweet forever my love" he kisses my forehead as the two of us lay back down, cuddling eachother, listening to the rain drops hit our bedroom window. 

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