Chapter 6

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"Whats the plan Rick, its getting dark out now" I hear Shane walk over to Rick discussing what we do now to get back. "We are gonna have to just head back and deal with whatever we walk into, try again tomorrow" Daryl walks over holding his crossbow on his shoulder. "Alright, lets get going" Rick nods and walks over to me, I turn my head and pretend I wasnt listening to their conversation. "Hey" he smiles at me and Carol. "We are going to just head back and hope we walk into nothing" he smile at Carol and takes hold of my hand. "Okay, well be safe and radio if you need backup" she gives me and Rick a hug before we walk back to Shane and Daryl. "Are you okay" he stops in his tracks "Rick I just want to get back to Alex" I sigh and keep walking towards Shane and Daryl. "Alright lets go" Rick points to the gate as we all leave HillTop.

It's been a couple of hours and its now pitch black outside. We can see the walls as we get closer and thankfully we havent ran into any trouble. I walk ahead of the guys, stuck in my own mind full of thoughts and dreading the conversation me and Rick are going to have once we are back. "Hey" Shane runs up beside me "Hi" I give him an awkward smile before turning my attention back to the trail ahead. "You've been really quiet" I feel his eyes glaring at me "Just tired thats all" I continue to look ahead "you sure?" He places his hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch a little, he notices instantly and removes it. "Something happen with you and rick?", "no, no nothing hes done nothing wrong" I shake my head, looking over my shoulder and seeing Rick and Daryl watch the two of us. We continue to walk side by side in silence until we reach the gates of Alexandria.

"Everything go alright?" Glenn asks as he greets us. "Not to plan no, we will explain in a meeting tomorrow, everyones tired" He stands talking to Glenn as i make a B line to Maggie to pick Alex up. "Hey girl, Alex" she shouts as he comes running to the door. "Hi baby" a tear rolls down my cheek as I crouch done, pulling him into me close and starting to sob. "Alice?" Maggie kneels down in front of me. "I fell, its gone" I whisper as her smile lowly fades "god im so sorry" she leans across and rubs my back. "Whats -" Maggie looks up and shakes her head at Glenn before he could finish his sentence. Rick stands behind me watching me hold onto Alex for ages "mama youre hurting me" he mumbles as I continue to hug him. "Alright, come on Alice" Rick kneels down behind me placing a hand on my back and one on my hand. "Shall we go home to bed" Rick talks to Alex as he slowly pulls my arm off him. Maggie and Glenn take hold of Alex as Rick moves around replacing him. "Come here" he whispers as he pulls me into his chest where I continue to sob on Maggies porch.

"Alright, goodnight baby" I hear Rick close Alex's bedroom door and come to our bedroom where I sit on the end of the bed just staring into nothing. "Dont beat yourself up over it, things happen, no one is to blame" He kneels down in front of me, taking hold of my hands in his. "It was my fault Rick, I fell its not like someone pushed me" a tear rolls down my cheek. "It's like karma, at the start I was praying to not be pregnant I didnt want it, then we move forward as a family and I do want it, so it gets taken away from me" I look into his baby blue eyes as they stare back into mine.  He stands up and sits next to me, wrapping an arm around me. "I love you so much, accidents happen, the three of us are perfect just us and Alex, if in the future we want another then we can do that" he takes hold of my hand "I love you and its going to be fine" He cups my cheek and turns my head towards him. "Okay?" He weakly smiles as I nod my head and rest it on his shoulder. "I dont want you to go out there as much anymore Rick" I sniff while talking to him. "I cant live without you, if anything was to happen to you I wouldnt be able to live here without you by my side" I sit up and look at him with tears in my eyes. "Okay, okay" He kisses my forehead before the two of us get into bed and finally fall asleep together.

"Rick??" I mumble as I sit up in bed. "Rick I can hear someone knocking at the door" I shove his limp body beside me. "What?" His tired voice groans as he sits up. "Someones at the door" I stand up, wrapping my robe around me and heading down the stairs. "Shane?" I rub my eyes as they adjust. "Sorry, theres a problem, a big one, we need Rick" his voice is serious and stern. "Rick" I turn and shout up the stairs, he comes running down shirtless and in some jeans. "Whats going on?" He asks while pushing his hair back out of his face. "Hilltop, all the walkers we saw today, they were being gathered up, Hilltop is surrounded by walkers and whisperers, they need help" I turn and look at Rick, I know he needs to help but I dont want him to. Our eyes connect but I quickly break the connection by looking back at Shane. "What do we do" Shane asks. "Gather everyone up, meet outside Carols old house in 10" Shane nods and heads around waking everyone needed up. I close the door and turn to Rick, "I know what youre going to say, but they need all the help they can get" he quickly spits before I get a moment to talk. I shrug my shoulders at him "Okay" is the only word that can leave my lips right now.

"Alice, come on you have to understand", "I do Rick, I understand but I also understand the fact I just lost our baby and I dont want the one baby we do have to not have a father" I snap at him "Alex, he needs you around so much more, youre just a daddy that visits, not a daddy that sits at home with him and plays cars" I cross my arms and lean my body on the kitchen counter. "Alice I love the two of you so much, you're my world, but im the leader people rely on me I need to do this" he walks over to me trying his best to not raise his voice. "There's a herd of walkers and whisperers there, you best go wake Alex and say goodbye" I turn my back and walk up the stairs to get dressed.

"Hey little man, daddy has to go out and sort some things, Ill be back later and we can play with all the cars you want" I stand at the door watching Rick give Alex a hug. "I dont want you to go" his little voice moans. Rick turns and looks back at me "I have to but I promise I will be back before you know it" He pulls Alex in for a tight hug. "Come on baby, we need to go outside quickly" I wrap a blanket around him and lift him into my arms. "Im coming to the meeting, I want to know what crazy shit my husband is getting himself into" I walk away from Rick and out the door with Alex.

"Alright, everyone" Rick raises his voice as he meets us all outside in the road. "Half the saviours you're coming with us, your job is to try and locate Negan and get information on his progress while also killing walkers. The rest of us are going to join the herd, cover ourself in walker guts and go in and kill what you can. We cant make anymore plans until we get there" I stand there shaking my head while swaying side to side to keep Alex asleep. "A couple people need to stay here for obvious reasons" he turns and makes eye contact with me. Everyone disburses to get their weapons and gear. "I really do love you but some things I have to do." He takes hold of my hand. "If you don't make it back Rick, im never forgiving you" he stares at me in silence for a moment "But i love you too" I quickly give him a kiss before watching them all leave Alexandria.

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