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Time skip a few years......................................................................................................

Tommy was ten now. And he was scared.

Well, that's not true. He was only scared sometimes. And he was scared of CPS. Dream told him that Sam and the people from CPS were actually bad, not friends like Tommy thought. Sometimes, when Dream was really angry, he would hurt Tommy. It was always different. He'd hit him, throw him across rooms, kick him repeatedly. One time Tommy blacked out. Dream hated it when Tommy cried, and if he did Dream would hit him harder and harder, until Tommy stopped.

One day though, he was hungry. He knew Dream's rules but he was starving. He missed breakfast and lunch. He was really hungry and thin. Even his friends called him skinny and skin and bones. He didn't think there was anything wrong with that. Until he got hungry. He snuck into the kitchen when Dream wasn't home and started to eat a granola bar. Just enough to get until dinner.

"What are you doing?" Dream asked behind him.

Tommy froze, terror coursing through his veins. "What is that?" Dream asked.


"Answer me!" Dream roared, spinning Tommy around and slapping him across the face. "What are you doing?"

"I-I-I was h-hungry." Tommy was shaking. "I'm sorry. I missed lunch."

"What have I told you?" Dream screamed at Tommy. "You miss lunch, you wait until dinner! That's the rules!" He slapped Tommy again.

"You know what?" Dream said, eerily quiet. "I've tried to help you. I've tried to be nice. I've tried to be patient because you're learning. But now? There's a line, Tommy. And you've crossed it. Stealing from me? After all I've given you? That crosses it."

"I-I'm sorry." Tommy stuttered.

Dream grabbed Tommy's wrist and dragged him up to the room. "Wait! No! I'm sorry! Dream!" Tommy cried, trying to resist. He was a thin ten year old boy though, and Dream was a grown man. Dream threw Tommy on his bed. "Stay. Here." Dream growled.

Dream came back and had something, some sort of rope, in his hands. "I didn't want to resort to this Tommy. But you've left me no choice." Dream held the rope up and lashed Tommy. A whip. That's what it was. Tommy cried out and curled up in a ball. He swam in and out of consciousness. He hit the floor and Dream stood there, kicking and whipping him, screaming "Follow my rules! That's all I ask!"

After a while Dream stopped. Tommy laid on the ground. "I-I'm sorry, Dream."

"You should be. No dinner." Dream snarled. He walked over to the desk, seeing the spider in it's terrarium Tommy had named Shroud when he got him a couple of years ago. Dream picked up the terrarium and smashed it against the floor. "Dream! No!" Tommy cried. The terrarium smashed into a million pieces.

But Dream wasn't done. He threw his foot down onto the floor, where Shroud was, smashing the spider, killing Shroud. Tommy heard the pop of his spider's bones breaking and his tiny heart crushed.

"Clean that up." Dream snapped, stalking out of the room.

Tommy laid there, shuddering. Everything else he could overlook. He knew Dream had some... anger issues. But this was different. Dream wasn't nice. Tommy couldn't do this anymore.

He had to run.

He wasn't sure how. He needed to get out, but how? He knew there was a computer downstairs... maybe he could contact someone. Sam? Sam wasn't his friend though. Dream had said so. So if Sam wasn't his friend.... And Dream couldn't be. Who was?

Promises you couldn't keep (Dream SMP)Where stories live. Discover now