6. Secret Affairs

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✩☾ Secret Affairs ☽✩
TW: Sexual Content

It had been exactly 48 hours since Teddy had last gotten some rest. She didn't dare shut her eyes and allow herself to be trapped in the grasps of the horrid nightmare that awaited her every night. She stared up towards the ceiling as she heard the soft snores of the different girls in her dorms, she envied their peaceful sleep. It was painful trying to stay awake while every ounce of her body wanted to sink deeper and deeper into her bed. To keep herself occupied, she endured into the depth of her mind. Her thoughts brought her back to the conversation she had with Headmistress Umbridge. The implications given to Teddy that she shouldn't feel safe. Had that been a threat? Had she given the same threat to Fred and George two days ago when they came back to Hogwarts? The millions of questions ran through her mind dying to know what she had meant. Who wasn't she supposed to trust because she most definitely would put Umbridge at the end of her list of people to trust.

While she wanted to keep herself distracted with thought her eyes began feeling droopy as she pulled herself to sit up trying painfully hard to not fall asleep. Failing she fell back on the bed, shutting her eyes close. The darkness overcoming her mind drifting her into a new nightmare.

She laid in a puddle of water drenched and cold. She gasped awake sitting upwards as she slammed her hands into the icy water confused by her environment. Hearing footsteps approach from behind her as she quickly pushed herself up and around searching for her wand that was no where to be found.

She yelled, "Stay back!"

A raspy voice spoke into the distant blackness, "Theodora?"

She loosened her tensed shoulders as she took a few steps forward, "Sirius?"

She approached where the voice had come from as she squinted her eyes in the darkness waiving her arms trying to feel around her. A sinister female laugh broke around her as she froze knowing who'd it belonged to.

The devious voice echoed, "I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black."

The feeling sunk in as she remembered the glimpses she saw the day of the incident. Sirius Black being crucioed repeatedly screaming in agonizing pain.

She screamed, "Sirius, where are you?"

She panicked not knowing how she would tell his daughter, Ivy, what had happened to him. Worse... How would she face her father with the truth?

She began to run in a panic, screaming for Sirius as she found herself falling face first into a body of water. The body of water no longer being a small puddle as she had found herself drowning again. She screamed in agonizing pain as her lungs filled up with water. Crying she heard Sirius's voice again, "Theodora."

She was now face to face with what was once her uncle. His face pale and his eyes white. He was dead, yet alive. She cried as she could no longer breathe, just floating in the emptiness of water. Her uncle whispered, "You have to save them from him, Theodora, SAVE THEM ALL!"

She woke up with sweat dripping down her forehead and neck. An announcement was being made throughout Hogwarts, "All students, both wizards and witches, please make your way to the Great Hall immediately."

Teddy sat up realizing she had overslept, sunlight was shining through her dorm as there was no one in sight and all the other beds had been made. One last announcement blared into the room, "Last call for all students, both wizards and witches, please make your way to the Great Hall immediately."

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