5. The Boys Are Back

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✩☾ The Boys Are Back ☽✩
TW: Grotesque imagery

The screaming around her got louder the faster she fell through the sky. She couldn't make out the words being yelled, but all she can feel was the thinning cold air hitting her body rapidly. She heard a shaky voice say her name repeatedly from above her, but she was too far gone to grasp who's voice it could've been. Feeling the air be knocked out of her body as soon as she hit the water where everything turned dark. The glacial water wrapping around her like a slithering snake, pulling her in deeper and deeper into its hold. Waking up to its deathly grip on her, she screamed and flailed to get out, all for her body to remain still drifting away further into the Black Lake.

She cried out as she bellowed through the water where no one could hear her, but the creatures who lived far below. Every time she screamed she felt the water block her only way passage of air. Struggling against wanting to breathe and needing to scream, the fear of dying faded away. She lost her battle of wanting to live, coming to terms that perhaps it had been her time to die. She closed her eyes letting the water infuse her lungs into flames as the pain became a distant feeling. She felt no pain. Was this how it felt to die? You hurt to the point where there's no more pain?

She heard a faint voice in front of her whisper, "Teddy, open your eyes."

Opening her eyes she saw Theodore in front of her with burns on the side of his face and arms. She screamed trying to get away as she heard another faint voice from her side, "Teddy, you have to save us."

She turned to look as it was Nora with her head dented as if her skull had been smashed into gushing blood down her face. Tears began streaming down her face in horror not understanding what was happening.

She felt hands grasp onto her shoulder bringing her sight in front of her seeing Ron. The hands holding onto her were followed by a bone sticking out of an elbow holding together by a couple of tissue cells and pure luck. Her eyes wandered to the rest of him following other bones sticking out of him, his neck crooked to the side like if someone had snapped his neck in half or attempted to. Blood dripping out of every deep wound from his body. Her eyes glanced back up to his face looking at his blank stare as he said, "Trust no one, Teddy. Trust no one. Trust no one."

Juniper was shaking Teddy awake who had been screaming in her sleep, "Teddy, Teddy, Teddy!"

Teddy pushed away as she continued screaming in fear. Their other roommate, Megan Jones, woke up annoyed at the fact that this was the third night they all were woken up by Teddy's screams. Megan groaned, "Fucking shut her up already!"

Juniper muttered, "She won't bloody wake up!"

Megan rolled her eyes as she hopped out of bed grabbing a glass of water on her night stand and pouring water all over Teddy. Teddy gasped awake soaked and confused. Juniper pushed Megan aback yelling, "What the fuck is wrong with you? She nearly drowned and the bloody first thing you do is poor water on her!"

Megan pushed Juniper back but even harder, "Yeah, well look fucking got her awake didn't it."

Teddy pulled the wet sheets off of her as the other two girls continued yelling at each other. Teddy spoke softly, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She stood up as she slowly walked out of the dorm in shaken over the nightmare she had once again, but every time it had been with different people in them. The first night it had been Juniper and Ivy. The second night her dream had included Hermione, Harry, and Cedric. She couldn't stop trembling from both fear and coldness. The two things that followed her into the real world. She walked to the shower room leaving a trail of water droplets behind her. The only reason she hadn't let herself cry was in fear of someone finding her in this state. It was painful enough being the one person everyone spoke about at Hogwarts. She was well aware that she could have died that day, but she didn't and she just wished for people to drop it. It didn't help that Draco Malfoy spread rumors amongst second and first year students that she had somehow developed fins from drinking so much lake water.

Trust No One // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now