Day 1: Ascending into Space

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Year: 1973

The following is the first of many logs I will write throughout the mission. It will be a couple of months before we return. I will miss my husband, Michael, and our two children, Justin and Carrie. I plan on sharing stories from this trip with our kids.

I am only twenty-five years old, and I was the top in my class in college. I can be considered a trailblazer. After graduating from college, I was able to get a job at NASA and trained to become an astronaut.

I have three friends who make up our crew: Captain Ben Anderson, Commander Nate Walker, and Lieutenant Colonel John Grey. When I was a young cadet, they took me under their wing and didn't view me as a threat just because I am a woman; they treated me equally.
When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went to the moon, I was so thrilled that we had taken that huge step in scientific technology.
And now I'm going to the moon. It would be an honor to join those great astronauts.
Nate is the funniest person in the group; there is never a dull moment with him. We could discuss the most serious topics, and he would always throw in a joke, making us all laugh.

Ben is the most resourceful person. He is always there for his friends and takes what he does seriously. Ben always wants to do what is right, and he wants to set a good example for his son, Ryan. I find it inspiring to see Ryan's desire to become an astronaut because of his father.

Carrie, my daughter, also wants to become an astronaut, since there aren't many women astronauts. I'm glad I can set a good example for her.

Finally, John. He is the most relaxed and easygoing of all. John's fiancée was hesitant to let him go on this expedition because she had a bad feeling about it.
But he wants to explore more of the moon like the rest of us. I suspect we'll get more than we bargained for.

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