Chapter Seven; A Baby Project.

Start from the beginning

It was time for me to head to the school counselor's office for my regular session. No one knows about it.

Not even Jayden.

I needed to find an excuse to leave Faryal, ' The Robot Baby ' with Maya.

Maya's Pov.

Have you ever wanted to strangle someone who makes you pissed all the time?

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Have you ever wanted to strangle someone who makes you pissed all the time?

I have.

His name is Rocco.

Ya Allah, why did the teacher pair me with him? I need a break from him.

I helped him in taking care of the robot baby just because we are neighbors but if we weren't, he would be on his own.

"I am heading to another class, could have her until then?", he asks me.

I nod at him.

He leaves to get to his class but what bothered me was the fact that the way he went wasn't to class but to dad's office.

He is the school counselor.

It is none of my business.

I shrugged and walked towards my locker. I had a free period which would be spent either in the library or the field.

I couldn't bother Jade as she is busy with her classes. I guess it's just me and Faryal.

I couldn't help but remember Roc and his diary. I couldn't get the fact that I have his diary out of my mind.

And the fact that he has mine.

Jade suggested that she would pretend to be MayMay just to find out who Roc is.

I took a seat on the bench while holding Faryal. Roc's diary is in my bag, I never go out without it and I never leave it in my locker.

"Maya, can we talk?", someone asks me. I look up to find Reece or should I say Jayden standing in front of me.

"Sure, you can take a seat", I tell him moving to give him space. He then sat down and looked at the doll that was in my arms. "What do you want to talk about?", I asked him.


When he said that, I looked at him feeling confused as to why he wanted to talk to me about Rocco.

"What about him?", I ask him.

"I didn't come here to tell you to stay away from him. I just came to tell you that he isn't what other people think of him. A bad boy. Due to different circumstances, he became what he is now. But people judge him using his appearance before even knowing him. He is a good guy, Maya or should I say MayMay", he says surprising me.

I wondered how he knew about me being MayMay.

Before I could ask him, he looked at me and said; "I know that you are here because of your diary. He has it. And I saw a notebook with your sister Jade and it had the same handwriting as the diary".

"Let me guess, you know who Roc is too? And you aren't going to tell me, are you?", I ask him.

"No, I am not. But If it makes you feel better. He is closer than you think", he says to me. "I have to go now. But remember what I said".

He then walked away leaving me confused and surprised at the same time.

How did he recognize my handwriting? And the fact that he knows who Roc is.

Today is getting confusing by the minute, I need to stop thinking about him.

It was time for me to find out who he is and to see if he has my diary or not.

"Let's go Faryal".

Yeah, I know it's a robot baby but it does cry like a real one and looks like it too. It also poops and eats like a real baby.

I wonder where the teacher got them?

I don't care, all I want is to pass this class without any hitches but you will never know, right?

As I was walking toward the cafeteria, Luciana stopped me by coming in front of me.

"Great just great. This day couldn't get any better", I murmured to myself.

"Well, well who do we have here?", she says looking at the doll in my arms. She tried to snatch it but someone was there to stop her.


"Hey, baby. She dropped her and I was picking...."

"Do you think am dumb? I saw everything that you were about to do and stop calling me baby. You and I are never going to happen", he tells her angrily.

He then took my hand and dragged me away from there. Before I could even tell him anything he took me to one of the empty classrooms and then closed the door.

"What are you doing?", I asked him as he got closer to me. I started to move backward away from him but only to have my back on the wall.

"Is there something you are hiding from me?", he asks looking at me.

I couldn't understand what he was talking about so I said nothing.

"No, what would I hide from you? I barely know you. Except for the fact that you are my classmate and neighbor that's it", I tell him.

I could see his eyes become dull when I told him the words. Before I could say anything else, he walked away and banged the door.

Did I do something wrong?

I shrugged and went back to the class I was having next. 

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