"Well, it's my mom but I don't want to over stress you about anything you seem to be dealing with a lot" you said sheepishly. kenny started tugging on your sleeve to get your attention so you look at his face. "It's alright love I don't mind." you glared at him jokingly. "Kenny don't call me love or dear or anything like that we are just friends remember?" You said looking at his eyes. to change the topic kenny pulled out your phone. You immediately shot your hands out to try to grab it back. "You stupid prick give it back!" You said. "Alright alright." He retreated and moved his hand closer to you. You slightly snatched the phone and you felt both of your hands brush against eatchother. kenny pulled out a pack of cigarettes and looked at you. "Want one?" "No thanks" you said in a monotone voice. Kenny lit up his cancer stick and slid it into his mouth. You zoned out.

Kenny turned your head and put his face close up to yours. You stopped zoning out and stared at him you where about to push him away thinking he was going to kiss you but before you could do anything he blew out a puff of smoke into your face. "Kenny what the fuck!" You yelled coughing aggressively. he chuckled and started looking out his window. You looked at his hair. "I thought you had curly blonde hair" you said confused. "I do have curly blonde hair!" He said. "Kenny that's light brown not blonde-" you said touching his hair. He gently pulled your hand away as you rubbed your fingers together. "Kenny your hair is Griffey and gross it's all stuck into chunks!" You blurted out. "Exactly so don't touch it, it'll snap." Kenny said rubbing his face which had a big scab. 

( Feb 17 2022 )

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