Judgement Day

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(1) It had been many years since the Devil and his Casino first opened. The Bee police however were not fond of the work they did leading to a new project called "Project Phoenix". The bee police raided the Casino and managed to capture King Dice and a few other men. However, the police still missed Aristotle and the Devil. One day while in town (A) accidentally bumps into Aristotle. Now you have to make a choice. Do you turn in Aristotle and risk him getting the death penalty for running or do you let him go and live with the guilt?

(2) "Project Phoenix" finally got accepted and the Bee Police raided the casino. (A) was working that shift and when the police raided was very unprepared for what was to come. Everyone was arrested except the managers and Devil who managed to escape. This meant that everyone who worked at the Casino would be turned to children until they learned their lesson about life. As soon as they were with their new guardian, (A) had to make a decision. Would they act how they are supposed to and hope life got better? Or act up and fight to keep their mind the same?

(3) You decide! Just make sure it includes Project Phoenix!

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