The Devils Casino

172 1 293

(1)  There had been many stories about the casino and the inhabitants who work and live there. It was not a place you wanted to be if you didn't want trouble. However, on a dare you decided to go anyways and see what the rumors were all about. It was lit up like a Christmas tree and music rocking the place. Inside was beautiful too. That's when it happened. A gang walked in and started attacking the employees. Mainly targeting the managers and boss. Do you help Dice and Aristotle or keep to yourself and risk the others getting in trouble?

(2) It had been a few years since (A) started working for the Devil and his managers. It had been a slow day hardly anyone coming in much to the disliking of the Devil. (A) and (b/crush) were sent out to attract people to the casino having a stack of business cards as well. That's when (A) notices a pair of brothers walking by wearing their signature red and blue. Once walking up to them, the brothers seemed to be polar opposites one excited the other anxious. Will you manipulate them and start their journey or let them go?

(3) You Decide! Just make sure it's at the casino!

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