11 | let's take on the world

Start from the beginning

He walks in without a word.



Taehyung doesn't register that someone is actually talking to him until the bubbly voice stays quiet, clearly waiting for an answer.

The omega lays on his bed after having woken up a few minutes ago, the soft chatter of those around him slowly bringing him out of his groggy state.

He's still reeling from the fact that this is the first night since arriving that he has not woken up in a cold sweat, heart racing.

It's hard not to relate it back to his conversations with Seokjin and Jeongguk. Maybe opening up to people would make it easier for him to get rid of his demons, or at least keep them at bay.

Maybe this is good. Maybe trusting Jeongguk, an alpha, will finally give him the closure from his old pack that he desperately needs.

Speaking of which, he makes a mental note to thank the head alpha for sending him a meal again last night after dropping him off.

Taehyung had been too tired to walk back to the dining room for dinner and it seems like Jeongguk knew he wouldn't be joining them so when Jisoo walked over with a smile on her lips and handed him the warm plate, Taehyung knew exactly who it was from.

"My name is Mina! What's your name?" The female voice cuts right through his thoughts, insisting on making conversation.

Taehyung looks up warily, unsure as to whether someone is actually speaking to him and comes face to face with a young omega presumable his age. Her smile is cute, eyes sparkling as she blinks back at him.

"Taehyung." He musters, unable to comprehend why she would bother to talk to him when no one else in the room had.

"Cute name! My bunk is above yours but I never catch you awake so this is me, finally introducing myself!" She giggles, way too happy in Taehyung's opinion but he knows it's an absurd thought.

Taehyung blinks up at her, his vision finally clearing up as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He's still unable to comprehend how he was finally able to sleep a full eight hours.

"Want to go get some breakfast? I was about to head out but saw you waking up." She smiles at him, and Taehyung knows it would be rude to decline her offer when his stomach rumbles and she lets out another giggle.

"Sure." He runs a hand through his hair lightly and fights off the embarrassed blush on his cheeks at the rumble of his belly.

Mina, as it turns out, likes to talk a lot. She talks enough for the both of them and Taehyung finds that she's not that bad.

She doesn't ask him personal questions for which he is thankful for, but it's clear she knows how he ended up in the pack, probably Jeongguk's doing.

Her bubblegum scent slightly throws him off but he knows that he can't exactly judge her for it. She didn't ask to smell so strongly.

Taehyung blinks as Mina stacks her plate with three waffles and adds a sizable amount of scrambled eggs and two bacon strips.

"And like I told her, she needs to tell that knucklehead mate of hers that she won't- Hey, you want orange juice or apple?" She pauses her conversation to ask Taehyung who points at the orange juice and Mina hands it to him.

They make their way through the packed room full of wolves eating their breakfast and Taehyung watches as Mina confidently leads them over to an empty table and takes a seat.

"It's just crazy how much she takes from him, if it were up to me I would have left him a long time ago." She huffs, clearly annoyed that her friend was telling her these things about her mate.

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