04 | gravity moves, suddenly

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The omega makes it well past the night in Hoseok and Jeongguk's company, the fever breaks by morning and the alpha can't help the sigh of relief that leaves his lips when the omega stops sweating and his skin no longer feels clammy.

Hoseok appears surprised but nonetheless relieved as he proudly states that the omega's body temperature had dropped.

Jeongguk begins to feel slightly silly when he realizes how much attention he has been giving this omega, a complete stranger.

Although Hoseok does not question his presence all night long, he knows that the beta has formulated his own opinion about the alpha's actions.

Once Hoseok unwraps the bandage around his thigh to take a peek, he lets out a breath, "It looks good, the swelling has gone down a lot."

Before Jeongguk can say anything else, there is a brief knock on the door to the infirmary before it is opening and Yoongi stands there with two plates of food in hand.

The alpha feels afraid of himself when his first instinct is to shield the omega from Yoongi's sight as if the alpha's mere presence would somehow hurt him.

His knuckles turn white as he grips the arm rest of the chair tightly, swallowing harshly when Yoongi greets them both with breakfast and hands Hoseok a plate.

"Jeongguk, breakfast." He says when he notices Jeongguk spacing out, pushing the plate full of eggs and deer meat.

It's clear that he has no idea what is going on and Jeongguk swallows back this sudden urge to ask Yoongi to leave, knowing it is not the time nor is it polite when the alpha has done nothing wrong.

"Thank you," he murmurs lowly instead, accepting the plate and watching as Yoongi's eyes finally land on the sleeping omega.

Jeongguk bites back a growl, mentally scolding himself for wanting to physically avert Yoongi's stare away from him. Instead, he shoves a forkful of eggs into his mouth and listens as Yoongi asks Hoseok how the omega is doing.

"For a second there, I really thought we would lose him. But he's still got fight left in him and that's what will save his life." Hoseok smiles reassuringly at the unconscious omega as both alphas remain silent

"Jimin has been asking to come see him, is that alright?" Yoongi asks as he turns to Jeongguk, eyes warily staring at him as he awaits an answer.

Jeongguk likes that Yoongi is thoughtful enough to even ask, making him nod lightly in response.

"Yeah, that's fine." He says, watching as Yoongi takes one more glance at the omega lying on the bed before he is turning on his heel and exiting the room.


Taehyung awakens sometime between the third quarter moon and the waning crescent. The nights are cool and the days only seem to get hotter, the omega feels sticky and gross the first time he opens his eyes.

The light burns and he has to blink several times in order to see clearly, low groan leaving his lips as he stares up at what appears to be a ceiling.

The first thing that registers in his mind is the pain coursing through his body. It feels like he has been hit by a moving vehicle, like the ones those humans prance around in.

It overwhelms him and he can do nothing but whimper into the room as his body remains frozen in pain. He grits his teeth harshly as his breathing becomes erratic at the realization that he is in a strange room, with no recollection of how he got here.

The last thing he can remember is running through the forest as he was being chased by his head alpha and pack before he was left for dead, making Taehyung quickly realize that he is no longer out in the forest.

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