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Y/n came from office as she plop herself on the couch!
I'm so tired! I just hope i get selected! She mumbled as she closed her eyes
*Next day*
Y/n open her eyes as she hear her alarm!
Oh come on let me sleep!!..she said but soon opened her eyes when she realise today is the day!

She suddenly got up and look around! I slept just like that?? She mumbled as she pick up the laptop and put it on her lap!
Finger crossed! I hope i get selected! She crossed her fingers and look into the mails!
Wait! Whatt!??... omg!! She start jumping as she read the mail!
"You are selected after the first interview pls come today for further information"
You did it y/n!!..she jumped again as she went in her room!

*After some time*
Y/n came inside the building and went straight in the cabin!
Come in! A cold stern voice come as she went inside!
Good morning sir! She said as she Bowed to him! He look up towards her!
Miss y/n? Very good morning! He said with a smile!
Pretty!! She is pretty!
They both turned there attention to the right direction!
Sir! She is miss y/n whom you selected- jungkook cutted him off as he speak!

I know she is miss y/n! And miss y/n you are hired for the new project under director kim taehyung!! He said as she nodded
Wait! Taehyung? Kim taehyung? I know him! Woah so i can work with someone whom i know thank god!
Thank you mr.jeon! She bowed to him and went out!
She went towards taehyung's cabin
*Knock knock*
Come in! He said as she went inside! He look up as his eyes light up!

Kim y/n?? He said as he got up and went towards her! Wow you are here? Are you selected? He asked as she nodded multiple times!
Great!! So what is your work? He asked as y/n smile!
Mr. Jeon said me to work under kim taehyung for the new project! She said while smiling widely!
So- so you're working with me? He asked as y/n again nodded!
Woahh y/n!! He yelled whisper making y/n laugh!

But they both got intrupted with a voice!
You both are quite close i guess? A stern voice came as they both stop and look behind!
Anyways! You know each other so i guess I'll leave now! But you both are here for work! So pls do that only! He said gazing at y/n and left!
What it is?? Why i behaved like this??
What's with him? Y/n asked as tae just sighed!
Nevermind! Y/n why are you standing tho? Come sit! He said as y/n nod and went towards the couch!

Why did i yelled at them? Am i jealous? Wtf ofcourse not! Why i would be? She is your worker!!! Focus!!

*After some time*
They both chit chat with each other and ofcourse taehyung even teach her some work and show her the office telled her about the project and everything!
Thank you taehyung! I'll try my best to do this! She said as she bowed to him!
No worries y/n-nie! Don't be so formal we're friends afterall! He said as y/n smiled widely!

Ok I'll leave now! She said as they both start going outside!
They both are standing on the enterence as y/n sidely hugged him and bid him a goodbye!

How she knows him?? And how are they both this close to each other??
She never smiled like this around me!..

wait wth I'm thinking!! STOP!

I'm sorry for the delay you all!🥲 I had exams!

Anyways do tell me how was it?!!..
#taey/n? Or #kooky/n?...

OBSESSED CEO  || jeon jungkook ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora