#2 Dread

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Note: This is set during Antonio's Ceremony.

Later that night at the ceremony.

Isabela stood waiting on the side as little Antonio stood under the spotlight, looking absolutely adorable in his white outfit. She felt him before she heard him. His big frame radiated heat making it impossible to ignore.

"He looks nervous." A familiar deep voice whispered. She didn't dare turn her head. High above them all was Abuela overseeing everything perfectly.

"He might have a reason to be."

"You mean because of..." he trailed off looking around for Mirabel.

"It would break his heart if that happened. Worst if Abuela- she stopped. What was she doing? Her heart sped up. She almost gave everything away. Miguel. Why did he make her lower her defenses? This wouldn't do.

"What about Abuela?"

"I- she paused looking ahead.

"Is that...Mirabel?"

Miguel's green eyes narrowed. She was about to reveal something. Following her confused gaze he saw Mirabel holding little Antonio's hand. The two soon passed by Isabella and Miguel. Miguel offered a smile of encouragement. Isabela didn't look at them at all. She kept her focus up at Abuela. Who was displeased by the show if the furrowing over brows was any indication. She masked it quickly, smiling gently as she offered Antonio his first contact with the candle. Isabela's heart squeezed. Her eyes were open but all she saw was that same scene from 10 years prior, her little sister touch the door and it vanishing. Abuela shock and fear. The confusion that rattled the towns folk. Her parents hugging a crying Mirabel. Herself, grieving for her sister's fate.

"It's gonna be ok, princesa." Miguel's bigger hands engulfed her smaller trembling- she realized- hands. For the first time she didn't reprimand him for calling her by that silly nick name. She just knew she was afraid for Antonio. Afraid that he too would be crushed by the standards of what it was to be a Madrigal. Overcompensating and constantly having to prove his own uniqueness. As her sister did. Most of all she didn't want her Abuela to target Antonio as she did Mirabel.

How many times had she dreaded every passing birthday they held for Antonio? How many times had she played up her character to push Mirabel away? To be the pretty, perfect Madrigal to please Abuela? How much of herself had she suppressed for her family?

But now Miguel was here. Warmth bloomed like a flower in heart. Miguel was her soil. The one supporting her to stand tall under the harsh weather. On her most dreaded day he became her strength. Not at all dissuaded by her words. Holding her hand. His touch said "I'm here with you." She squeezed his hands. He gave a reassuring squeeze back.

Time seemed to slow. Everyone watched with trepidation as Antonio touched his door. It glowed, fantastical swirls of golden light created an image of Antonio and his gift. Beautiful lavender blossomed on Isabela's hair. Happy? . Snatching one from her beautiful satin locks, he let his hand skim a lock of hair. Soft.

"What are you-

"What did I tell ya, princesa? It was all gonna work out. No need to worry your little head about it." Miguel smirked.

"This doesn't change anything! Stop calling me that!"

"What's wrong with it? You let other people call you princess."

"It's not the same!"

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" He said, casually brushing dark rose petals off her shoulder. She didn't seem to notice. Instead she grasped her hair to cover part of her face, a blush adorning her beautiful skin. Pink petals swirled around her. Cute. His Isabela was too precious.

"It's just...you say it so- Oh I don't know! But I know I don't like it so there!" That was a lie if she ever heard one. She knew Miguel didn't buy it either by how smug he looked. But she couldn't tell him the truth. That when he called her princesa, a warm sweet flower sprouted in her heart, unseen and pure. As stupid as it might sound she wanted to protect it.

She couldn't let it bloom. To flourish as it deserved. Because it felt like a betrayal. Of who she was and what she represented.

Miguel chuckled, "Whatever you say, princesa." He whispered in that low sexy voice she loved so much. Made her all weak in the knees. She silently cursed him for it.

"Why do you call me that?" Isabela turned the question on to him. She was deflecting.

"Isabela!" Abuela called.

"Coming Abuela!" Isabela called back. Before she rushed off to do Abuela's bidding he caught her arm. She gave him a puzzled look. She thought he would back off. Like he usually did. And he would. But first;

"Not for the reasons they do." He said. And he let her go. As she walked up the staircase, Isabela couldn't help replaying Miguel's words.

Not for the reasons they do.

If that was really the case... did she fail? Or did she succeed? Was Miguel truly the one who would make that small bud bloom into a beautiful flower? Or would he crush it once he found the real Isabela?

Would she let him?

Isabela's book of flowers a guide by Miguel Vásquez

Lavender: Joy, Happiness
Dark Rose: Mourning
Peony: Shy, Bashful

Princesa Isabella Where stories live. Discover now