The orange juice seemed to spill out of the hole in his face, but the kid covered the hole with his hand. He continued to smile at Rohan like he knew what he was doing, and you felt concerned for both Rohan and the child a little. 

   " Why are you following me!? "

   ' That kid has been following Rohan? '

   " Let's decide using rock-paper-scissors to see who gets this table, okay? "

   " I don't want to. " Rohan yelled, slamming his hand on the table.

The kid looked at him shocked but then started to cry and lay his head on the table, with his arms in front of him, stretching along with the table cloth. 

   " No, I already sat down! This table is mine! "

   " Sir.--"

   " Wait a moment. " Rohan said to the waiter that approached him.

   " Rohan, let him have it. He's just a kid. " Okuyasu said, leaning his chair back.

   " Don't make him cry. That's so immature. " Josuke replied, looking at Rohan's back.

   " Or you can just sit with him. " Yukako suggested. 

   " You're all so noisy. Shut up! "

You tugged on Rohan's sleeve, and he looked down at you. Is facial expression wasn't glaring at you like the others, but it showed his discomfort for the situation. You wrote in your notebook and showed him the words you had written.

Why not just play one game? It'll satisfy the kid, and you won't have to play with him again. Just entertain him, and play.

You watched Rohan's eyes move across the page, and he looked at you, and he sighed. He placed his hand on the top of your hair and ruffled your hair a little.

   " All right, I'll play with you. "

Rohan took his hand off of your head and turned towards the kid with a calm expression. At his words, the kid sat up and smiled at him with his eyes glaring at him. His eyes said that he was going to win. 

   " That's it. Here I go. "

The kid stood up from the seat and raised his fist.

   " Rock, paper. . .scissors! "

The kid threw down rock, while Rohan threw down paper, winning the game. The child was shocked and stared at Rohan's hand with his eyes wide. Rohan turned to the side and raised his fists in front of him with a smile on his face.

   " That's awesome. I won. "

Rohan took the seat and sat down, leaning it back.

   " You know how incredible I am now, right? This is the first time I've ever felt so happy playing rock-paper-scissors. "

   " That's so immature. " Okuyasu and Josuke said.

   ' Can you two really say that though? You both are immature as well. '

Yukako slightly glared at him, but you just shrugged your shoulders. You knew he was immature not to let the kid have the table, but it's who Rohan Kishibe was. You also felt like there was more to the situation than what you just saw. It was clear that the kid had been following Rohan, based on Rohan's words earlier when he said, 'It's you.' 

   " No, beating that kid made me so happy. "

Rohan laughed, happy at winning against the kid. You looked over at the kid to see him clenching his fist in anger, but he had his back turned to you so that you couldn't see his face. You shook your hand and turned back towards the three you sat with, and shrugged your shoulders. They didn't say anything more about Rohan and continued to talk about school. Behind you, Rohan ordered, but you noticed the kid never left Rohan. The child hid beside one of the buildings across the street and stared at him. At times the kid disappeared from the side of the wall, but you knew he was still there and that he was indeed following Rohan.

   " Here, you are ms. "

The waiter placed a plate in front of you, and there were macaroons on the plate of different flavors. You looked up at the waiter in question, but he smiled.

   " The gentleman behind you ordered the dessert for you. "

You nodded, took your notebook, and started writing in it. You turned around and showed Rohan the notebook. After reading your message, his smile became gentle, and his eyes connected with yours.

Thank you, Rohan. You always seem to spoil me.

   " I would do anything for you me dear. "

You smiled at him but heard Josuke growling behind you. You turned around and faced your group sharing your macaroons. After finishing the plate and your drinks, everyone went their separate ways. You walked with Josuke away from the cafe, and he had his hand intertwined with yours. You had no choice but to follow him, and he led you first to a CD store.

    " Let's pick a movie to watch, and then we can get some snacks, and have a movie date at my place. Then we can try and make dinner a little later, but you'll have to help me, I'm not the best cook. "

You looked up at him with an 'I know' look, and Josuke only laughed at your expression. You walked into the CD store and started looking through their movies. You found one, and Josuke agreed, paying for the movie. He found one he wanted to watch after yours, and you left the store only to walk next door into a store full of snacks. You separated from Josuke and went through the store grabbing your favorite snacks with a couple of drinks, and you met Josuke at the counter. 

   " You got a lot. " He said, chuckling.

You stuck your tongue out at him, and he paid for the food. Together, you walked to Josuke's house while carrying the bags, and you walked beside him. You wished to talk with him, but you couldn't. Your fear of being blown up trumped your desire to speak with your boyfriend. After reaching Josuke's house, you got comfortable on the couch, and he placed a movie into the CD player. The movie started playing, and Josuke grabbed the bag of snacks and set them on the floor beside the couch to easily reach them. Josuke sat beside you on the couch and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and leaned back, cuddling you. 

   ' He's warm. '

You watched your movie and finished it, and Josuke didn't make any attempt to get up from the couch. You fell asleep for a few hours, and you woke up, still trapped in Josuke's arms. You looked up at Josuke and then down at his entangled arms. You started moving them to escape. You slipped out of his arms and walked into the kitchen.

   ' I'm hungry. I'm gonna make some food. '

You opened the fridge in the kitchen and looked through it to see the food he had. You had enough to make a small dinner for yourself and something for Josuke. You grabbed the materials and started to prepare the food. You cut them, set the materials in a pan, and started the stovetop. You stirred the ingredients when you felt two arms wrap around your waist and pull you into somebody's chest. You looked up and saw Josuke leaning against you, with his eyes shut.

   " What are you making? "

You grabbed a paper towel that was nearby, leaving the food alone, to write your message.

Dinner. Still tired? 

   " Yeah. "

It'll be done in a little bit, and then we can go back to sleep. 

   " Mmm, okay. . ."

You continued cooking, and when it was finally done, you asked Josuke to hand you two bowls, and he did with one hand. After setting two bowls on the counter, he kept his arm around you and returned his other arm. You moved the pan over to the bowls and placed the stir fry inside the bowls. Josuke leaned his head on your shoulder and held you close to his body. 

   " I love you. . ." He said, dragging out his words.

You felt yourself go red in the face, and he let go of you and took one of the bowls, and walked to the table to eat. You didn't even move from your spot because of how shocked you were by his words. Josuke stood up from the table and walked over to you, grabbing your bowl and putting his arm around your shoulder.

Love you too. You wrote.

Josuke leaned down and placed his lips against yours, and you realized he was too tired to think twice about what he was doing. You kissed him back, feeling the blush increase in warmth. The kiss was gentle and sweet. Josuke pulled away and pushed you lightly towards the table, with his own small blush under his eyes. 

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now