Chapter 4

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When Wendy woke up again, everything was different. Instead of being in the mangly alleyway, she was on her bed. 

And instead of feeling a deep sadness that she had been taken out of her paradise again, she didn’t feel anything. 


No sadness, no anger, no desperation, no, she just felt… numb. And tired. 

She felt the steady noise of her heart on the backside of her palm as it pumped blood around her body, keeping her alive. 

What if it would just… stop? Would she mind? She didn’t even know anymore. 

She rested her head back onto the pillow. 

Would the world mind? Would it truly mind, if she just ended it. 

She shook her head, almost laughing at the irony. 

Of course it wouldn’t. No-one cared. No-one. 

Her gaze turned bitter. 

No-one truly cared.


A few days later, a fatal car accident took place. It was destined to happen. No-one could have stopped it. 

Sammy and Gabriel. Reckless as always. Too fast. Too careless. Nothing ever went wrong. Until it did. 

They were on their way to Lexi. She was cooking dinner for them. Spaghetti. Plain spaghetti, with a tint of tomato sauce. Just how they liked it. 

When she heard the news, she was cutting the tomatoes. She didn’t cry before she did it. She was tired. Just like everyone else. 

Her blood blended neatly with the red tomato sauce. 

When Lork heard the news, he was devastated. In contrast to Lexi, he did cry. He cried until his insides were empty. And then he jumped. It was a horrific sight for onlookers. A young boy on the merciless road. Bloody, lifeless. But not unusual. 

Finally, Wendy. Poor, sweet Wendy. She followed in her father’s footsteps. And took way too many of them. On purpose. 

The pills were illegal to have, but no-one cared. The police didn’t check. They were easy to get your hands on. 

It hurt. It hurt terribly. It hurt to forcefully shove them down her throat. It hurt when she collapsed, writhing in pain. But the idea that it would soon be over. That soon it would not hurt anymore. That comforted her. 

And then it was over. I would have loved to say that the world mourned their death, but it didn’t. 

Wendy was found three days later by one of her neighbours. She was buried next to her friends. 

A small article was written. Some families skimmed through it, while others ignored it, in favour of more cheerful news. 

But no-one truly cared. 

The newspaper soon got put away on a dusty shelf, never to be seen again. 


Wendy looked around. 

So this is death.

The thought was barely heard. 

She looked down at herself. 

She looked small. Her waist was thin. Too thin. 

There were pink scars implemented on her skin. Too many.

It was dark. 

Not cold, but dark. 

A small light shone in the distance. 


A sparkle of hope.

Too far away.

Out of reach.

Yet so near. 

Should she go?

Did she want to?

She did. 

Did she…?


She shuffled forward. 

Slowly, but steadily. 

She was going back.

She would try again. 

Maybe this time, life would be good. 

Maybe this time, she would be able to enjoy the sweet smell of grass, the soft touch of flowers, and the bright glow of the sun. 


But maybe not…

She pushed the thought away.

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