Do i know you?

75 3 44

Dear diary,
I want to tell you about the strange but lovely experience of mine that happened today,not really important i guess but not sure

I saw a different face in the crowd,one that seemed inseresting to me.Felt like i knew him,felt like he was somebody i knew for more than 10 years,hate to admit it but felt like,


Did not know why or how it exacty felt but it did,and i couldnt complain about it

I have never been a confident person,especially when meeting or talking to new people

Dont get me wrong,im pretty much of a popular guy.everyone knows me
Could be better if it wasnt just for my so called "weird"experiments

they were important,captivating(not as much as you,interesting face)plus,could be really useful in the future


Ive never actually cared about the humanity or anything but i somehow want us to be prepared for the future

Want to face the reality of future

Just curiosity,maybe

Curious if i can make it,achieve my biggest dream

Wireless power transfer

I know,it sounds inpossible but werent most of the inventions we use in our lives considered "impossible"once?

There definetly are more impossible things,interesting face realizing me for an example

Being aware of my existence

Knowing me

Talking to me

Getting closer to me

Adoring me

I would count more of those but something unexpected happened,distracting me from my thoughts slide to the reality,had to be the not wanted one after everthing ı have dreamt of,but no.Unexpected situations can be better than the expected ones sometimes and this time was definetly one of those times

I saw the interesting face,walking towards me like he wants to talk to me,i surely did accidently manifested something,not sure about how,could be with the 3-6-9 rule

Wireless power transfer,three words,and i talked about 6 impossible desires of mine.Where is the nine?

Maybe its the hour or something,i really dont know

Just like I didnt know what to do about the current situation

I just acted cool,stayed still and tried to seem unbothered

Acted like i wasnt having a literal heart attack just by feeling his gaze towards me,like i wasnt feeling butterflies inside my stomach by facing his beautifully shaped wavy-might be curly-hair doing a pretty(not as pretty as himself)movement with every step of his.Being a literal fanboy for his charming looks(he actually did deserve that),getting closer and closer,harder to not make eye contact now

Harder to resist

Even harder to not fall for him

How can i ignore those mesmerizing eyes of yours,interesting face?

He stopped after realizing he got close enough to make me hear the dramatically charismatic sound of his voice

I gave up and made eye contact anyways,it doesnt matter anymore.Does it?He is the one walking towards me and possibly wanting to have a talk with me,nothing i can do about it

Wait for me,10 more years(Albert x Nikola)Where stories live. Discover now