This Light Ain't That Bright

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           Now that things are finally progressing a bit more faster, I have some time to talk with Maeve to talk with her. She already has a motive to at least listen to me, so it should be a little bit easier. They were still recording for that new movie, so I just had to sneak on the set and talk with her in her trailer. Simple....really simple thing to do, really. Sarcasm aside, it was actually easy since my likeness was in one of the scenes, so they thought I was an actress. Such fucking fools. I was able to get into Maeve's trailer with no prying eyes, but she wasn't there. At least I get to do a more dramatic intro for her, and I always loved those. 

            It was almost 15 to 20 minutes until I saw her walking towards the damn trailer. Walking in was a whole different thing, because when she saw me sitting on her couch...let's say she wasn't very welcoming to me. Maeve was quick to get into fighting position, "Relax Queen, I'm not here for that. I want to talk." Her eyebrow raised, "Don't worry, I'll get to the point. It's about the person threatening you and Elena, and the person who talks about me endlessly." She finally gets more relaxed, walking over slowly to stand across from me. I smiled behind the mask, "I want to work with you to take him down. What I have probably won't completely take him down, but it'll help bring him down a peg. Would you like me to continue?" "Why should I work with you? You're trying to fucking kill us." Getting up slow to take out my phone, my eyes narrowed at her to scan her. 

          My phone played audio from the video of the plane crash, Maeve's eyes widened and her hands started to shake a bit from it. "The fucker feeds off people's praise for him, and releasing this...or threatening to release it will let him be your dog for as long as you have it." She didn't say anything as I walked close to her. I asked quietly, "Do you want to work with me?" "...Yes." I nodded slowly. "Alright," I kept nodding. "Give me your phone." Of course, she was confused with that. I assured her that everything was under control and for this to work she had to trust me, and eventually I got her phone to put Emerald's number in. "Call this number and ask for a copy of the video, and when you get it quickly save it. Afterwards, delete the number, I don't someone to see it for too long." Once I gave her the phone back, I left without a word and went back to the boys. When I got back, it already seemed like they were on another mission...with Annie along side them. 

          Apparently, Annie snuck into StormFront's trailer and found some useful information for us to look into. The info was that StormFront and Stan Edgar was 'close to a breakthrough' in some psychiatric hospital called Sage Grove Center. Full of people that were damn near dumped by their loved ones to 'get help' or whatever excuses they want to use in the time. We arrived a bit outside of the place in a light brown van. We decided to send in Frenchie, M, and Kimiko to play as staff to go in and get some drives from the mainframe. The rest of us would keep watch and call if anything happened outside. Annie sighed, "I should go in with them." "They can manage without one bony, blonde Supe. You just get them in, and get the fuck back, yeah?" Butcher told her. I hit him on the arm hearing that, telling them with my eyes to pull it back or shut the fuck up. Hughie started whispering to her, so I took this to whisper to Butcher. Pulling him close to me by the forearm, "Don't fuck this up with your grudge. This may be our only chance." His look changed to a more sorrow one, and we both turned away fast after a minute of silence. My station was already set up in the van, a little circle of computers to help me keep watch of multiple things while messing with them at the same time. 

       Annie burned a hole in the fence for them to go through while Butcher kept watch from his rifle. She offered her hand to help him down once she got down, but he just jumped down and ignored him. "Seriously?" She scrunched up her eyebrows. "What is your problem with me?" That made me look up from my screens. Butcher didn't look at her, "I ain't got no problem with you, love." "Really? That's why you won't even touch my hand?" Hughie told them to stop it, but I cleared my throat loudly. Shrugging my throat, I smiled, "I think Annie should keep going. Not right to bottle this up,'s the exact time to say it." She smiled at me and nodded. "Exactly," She started. "In fact, I think the time is long overdue. You know that I hate Vought as much as you do. You know that. But it doesn't matter to you because what you can't stand is in my blood. I'm subhuman to you, only good Supe is a dead Supe, right?" He looked over at her while taking a drink, "Your words, not mine."

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