I Just Want To Talk With You

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       "We're here today to remember the victims of transoceanic flight 37," Homelander said. I sat in the back, right by a crying old couple. My face stayed static, not having any kind of energy to cry anymore. They had a funeral for the 123 people who he killed, even had a bunch of cameras there to make himself look good. As he announced each name out, I tuned him out even more. Trying to keep calm was very hard, but I managed not to yell at him through the whole thing. Even Queen Maeve herself had to walk away, she even looked a bit pale after a while. 

      After all that, the people started to mourn in their ways and Homelander went to speak with Maeve. I blended in with the ground, but kept my eye on the two. Maybe I should have a word with her when he leaves. A minute passed, and he did leave. This was my shot, so I walked to her and sat behind her, "Don't die with them, right?" "...What?" My hands grabbed each other tightly as I started to talk with her, as well just keeping our eyes forward. "You didn't even try to save them. You let him do that." I said. She stayed silent for a moment, "Look, I understand your anger-" "You don't fucking understand my anger or my sadness! Don't try to use that bullshit on me." She gave a quick glance at the back of my head, "Who are you?" "Your light is dying, Queen Maeve. Keep going and you might not make it." She didn't response to that one. I laughed to myself, "I want you to remember my voice as you sleep so it's one more thing to haunt you. You murdered my brother and sister, you bitch."

       Maeve froze as I walked off towards my car. Thinking about it now, might as well follow up on what the hell Billy was up to at the moment. Getting into car and looking at my phone, I noticed he was getting a call. Listening in, it was something that was going to set him off. They decided to make a hollow grave for Becca since she went missing for about 8 years now. There's about 2 or 3 place he would go after getting that call, so let's go to the 2nd place on my list and hope for the best. 

      The place was quiet and fairly decorated with pictures of Becca and her sister, Rachel. Sneaking in wasn't a problem either when she was busy in her room. She finally walked into the living room to me sitting on the couch, "Fucking Christ!" "Hello to you as well, Rachel. You dyed your hair finally." She calmed down and sighed, "What's with the get up? You join a gang or something?" "Oh, you wish I did, didn't you?" We both laughed, walking into the kitchen. "You could've used the front door, you know? Much easier then climbing through a fucking window." "Well, that's boring. I wanna keep you on your feet, make sure you ain't slacking around me." She laughed even more, giving me some water, "So why are you here?" "Oh yeah...Beware of Becca's husband coming by." She looked at me confused for a moment before realizing what I was saying, sighing loudly. "You could've just called-" "I also wanted to meet him finally, so...here I am." 

      She nodded, and also agreed to me hiding and listening instead of being a normal person weather she liked it or not. A hard knock on the door echoed through the place. The door opened and the conversation soon started. He walked in, "Just took a lovely little stroll around St. John's, and you'll never guess what I came across." "Who told you?" He sounded angry, reasonable response. "When'd you do it?" "Last Sunday. We used your last name, also used beloved wife." Headstrong and stubborn, she really had some kind of taste. I mean, I'm not one to say anything. Rachel sighed, "Look, my mom's getting old. She just wants a place to talk to her daughter." "Yeah, well, she's talking to dirt, isn't she?" "It's something." He was broken, you could tell just from how he talked. "We need this to be over," She told him. He turned to walk out, but Rachel stopped him. "Also...someone wanted to meet you," She called out to him. That was my cue to walk out and nod to him.

      He recognized the mask and hood I had on, walking up to me. "It's nice to finally see you, Billy Butcher," I greeted him. I used a voice changer, not wanting him to try and find out about me so soon. Even a voice can give a whole person up, "You told me to come face you, didn't you?" "Who the fuck you?" I sat down at the couch slowly, "You can call me whatever you want." "So grand tosser works well for you?" "I can kill in 175 different ways in a blink of an eye, don't fucking try me." He walked over to stand across from me, holding an hard eye on me. "You have a mouth on you, young lady. To what do I owe the pleasure then?" He smiled smugly at me. I stared at him for a while, before turning to Rachel to let her know to leave the room. Once she left, I turned back to him, "Let's do a crossover." He looked confused at that. "You wanna fuck over Homelander as well as Vought, and so do I. So let's team up, I mean they both took something away from us." He got angry at that, walking up to me real fast before I stuck a gun in his face. "Tsk, calm down bulldog. I ain't your enemy, the flag wearing cunt is," I snarled. We both stared at each other for a minute, until he nodded a bit and turned for the door. "You coming or what?" He called out to me. Shrugging my shoulders, I followed. 

       We ended up at the cemetery, in front of Becca Butcher's headstone on top of an empty coffin. I stood by a tree as Butcher held a sledge hammer, staring down at it with rage before smashing it to pieces. Seeing the grounds keepers face entertained me at least as we walked away. His phone started to ring, "M.M, you alright? Ha, fucking brilliant. I'll meet you in the hospital in half an hour." My phone vibrated as well, and we do I see? Frenchie and the girl they tracked down in danger of Black Noir after he got burned. "Hey," I said to him. "Grab extra compound for me, alright?" I walked ahead of him, only to teleport away. That sure did surprise him. 

      Frenchie was sure moving fast, packing everything he could and debating on the girl chained to a pipe. "Whatever those bastards had planned for you, you deserve it, mon coeur," He soft said as he walked slowly to her. I do have to admit, he was certainly loving and caring, makes you feel bad for the guy. He unshackled her, letting the chains and hand restrains fall to the floor. Without a second though, she ran out and I took my chance to quietly leave the building as well. He got his jacket and hat, hauling ass with his duffel bag in hand. Black Noir jumped into view, and he quickly hid the best he could. Wasn't enough since Noir crashed into the car in front of him, walking over to his scrambling body. Just about to run at him, the girl came slamming into him to ram him straight into some garbage cans. Thanking her quietly, he ran off to let her handle it. 

        She threw the first kick, which he ended up blocking. I ran out to try my foot in it as well, he blocked he fast. The both of us kept throwing hits at Black Noir, overwhelming him quite a bit before he knocked the girl off her feet. Before he could do anything else, I kicked him straight in the chest. He tried going for a left hook, but it was blocked as I tried going for a right hook. He was just as fast, thank god. Going for another jab, I dodged it quickly and grabbed his arm to knee him in the mask, it even cracked a bit. When he got up, we both aimed for the chest, knocking each other down for the girl to take my place. 

     Running up on the wall to try and attack him in the air, he threw a throwing knife at her that only barely missed her arm. She fell with a loud thud, but quickly got up to attack him once more by scrapping away his armor. He grabbed her chin to pull her back, but she spun to crawl under him and sneak attack one of his legs. He then sliced her stomach, then stabbed her foot to keep her in place. Before I knew it, he dug into her stomach and slung the knife out of her body and ran to leave her body there bleeding out. Frenchie eventually ran back to check on her, and looked distraught on what he found. I put my hand on his shoulder before he could try and take off his jacket, "Just wait a minute." He narrowed his eyes at me, looking back down at her quickly to see her eyes open and her wound closing up. The power of compound V, I tell you. 

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