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       "He's towards 8th Ave Subway, should see him any minute now," I told Butcher. Mesmer thought it was a good idea to try and run, of course when it involved Billy Butcher it really wasn't in the slightest. Looking at the cameras, I saw his mortified little face when his eyes caught sight of Butcher. Butcher's evil glare turning into an evil smile to him, it was...kind of hot to be honest. Mesmer started running, pushing past people and knocking them down just to stay alive. Butcher kept a steady pace, walking slow. "He's going into the bathroom right across Hair Couture II, you can corner him there for a few, but you have to make it quick." He followed my instructions good enough. There wasn't any cameras in the bathroom surprisingly, but my curiosity was halted by my phone ringing from Erin and Emerald calling. 

       "You got something, Emerald?" "Of course I do, mon chéri, and good job always knowing which one is calling. It's like you have some kind of superpower or something~" She joked. "Anyways, Francine wanted to know if you were okay first. Any negative thoughts you want to talk about? Anything you wanna get off your chest? Butcher driving you crazy yet?" I laughed at that, "Define crazy please." "I'll take that as a no then." After that, she went straight to business. Since I already got a sample of Compound V ready to use for anything, we just need the proper equipment to synthesize and proper analyze it. We also need some people to do said actions, but we would cross that bridge when we need to. "Alright," I started. "For now, stay hidden and seek out potential candidates for that position. Also, when moving to the next location leave some space open for a few people just in case." She questioned it a bit, but I saw Butcher walking up to the car and hung up quickly. 

        Once he sat back beside me in the car, his hands wet from washing the blood off his hands...just a good guess from me, myself, and I. "What was the call about?" He asked me. I shook my head, and just started the car back up, "A project you might like a lot. As well as a new base maybe, if you feel up to it." The rest of the ride was silent, having a occasional glance at each other and short conversations about just random things that floated right past us while I drove back. Butcher open the door to see new people there; a woman with brown skin and stylized afro, a little girl with a somewhat similar hairstyle right by M, and an older man with short hair and wearing a cardigan. The man looks like Hughie, just a lot more...frightened. Butcher's eyes seemed to also land on Hughie's dad, as he walked up and called to him. "Pleasure to meet you. Billy Butcher, along with my sidekick Myra." We both shook his hand after I stomped on his foot hard. He whined loudly out of pain, glaring at me before I looked back to catch the black woman smiling at that. 

      I winked as he stepped to M and his side of the room. He smiled, "Hello, hello, hello~" They all got even more tense when he walked over. "What have we got here then, hey? What's your name?" He asked the little girl. Of course, I got protective when he went over just from the woman's eye on him. "You can call me Uncle Billy" "He ain't your uncle, honey," She finally spoke, slowly getting up. She sneered, "He ain't nothing to you." "Monique-" She slapped him quite hard to make him speechless. With this chance, I pulled him away from them, "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. You of all people should know this, Billy~" Turning back to Monique, I quickly apologize for him and promised to make it hurt when I had the chance. He walked away to get some coffee, leaving me to watch everything else and simply observe. I overheard M and Butcher's conversation, just M figuring things out that Butcher lied about Raynor not going along with it because she wouldn't give him Homelander and begging that he calls to make this easier for their families. I never heard M beg this much, I'm not surprised, but it's still weird to hear that tone of voice from him. Butcher's face stayed the same the entire time, but he was thinking about it. I decided to simply make that decision for him, going out to call Susan Raynor. "Hello?" "I'm calling for Butcher, because he's too stubborn to do it himself. I'm sure you don't know who I am." She didn't talk for a minute, "What is this about?" "In exchange for the protection of about two adults and a child who got unwillingly roped into this, Butcher will give you the Compound V. By the time you get here, if he doesn't then I will do it for him. Do we have a deal?" 

     "You must be close to him." "Not close, just loud enough to be heard, Raynor. I'll text you the address, be here in about 10 minutes or less. We don't much time in this base before getting discovered." I hung up before she even opened her mouth. I didn't need a 'yes or no' answer from her, because we both know that she wants to at least take Vought down a peg or two herself. 10 minutes passed and the sounds of cars screeching to a halt echoed from the outside into our walls. The group started freaking out, until I whispered what was happening in Butcher's ear. "Fucking hell, calm down," He threw his paper to the side and walked to the door. Hughie grabbed my arm, "Take it. You're a better shot then me." "Hugh," I said softly to him. "Take a breath, everything is playing to the plan." Just in time, Raynor and a few of her guys came in with Butcher telling them to lay off. She promised to M that his family was going to be okay, and after she walked over to me. "I'm guessing you made the call?" She raised an eyebrow to me. "I'm the only one with a good set of brains around here, aren't I? No offense, Susan~" I joked with her. She didn't look like she was laughing, but she did look like she was really thankful I 'convinced' Butcher into making the right choice. Speak of the devil, the man himself walked up to the two of us and was opening his mouth to say something, but Raynor stopped him with just her hand held out. 

       "No Homelander..." "No Homelander, we had a deal. Everyone else is fair game. Do you want this or not?" She questioned darkly. He stared into her soul with regret and anger, but it was taking too long and the last thing we had was time. So, I went into his back pocket and took out the vile to hand to her as he exhaled deeply. When she walked away, he looked over at me. "The last thing we have is time. It's either this or a repeat of events I know you don't want," I turned to him. All he did was nod. Once all the families were gone into hiding, I took out my phone to dial Emerald's number and put her on speaker. "Bonjour, captain. Any other commands you want to throw my way?" I could her smile through the phone. I smiled, "Keep a closer eye on J.E.S.R for a while, please?" "Whatever you want, du sucre~" She hung up. Frenchie looked at me funny, knowing what she was saying, but all I did was shrug. Through all the chaos finally fully sinking in, I caught the little guy Hughie sneaking away after getting a phone call after all the other tries of calling Starlight aka Annie. Even after a while, Butcher followed Hughie out, not before grabbing some ammo on the way out. Why wouldn't I cut into this situation? Especially since Starlight had a very good chance of being at the end of the gun. 

       When Butcher got into his car, I quietly followed him the whole way on foot just so he wouldn't have suspected me following him. Basically, he was following Hughie while I was following him following Hughie...and it all lead to a large park. Butcher stay put for a minute to keep watch while I got closer and sit down in a tree, waiting for him to move or attack. Hughie had just sat down and started taking with St-...with Annie. After a minute of tears and sad looks, she grabbed him and started to drag him away, but he stopped her on that path. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Butcher slowly approaching with his gun. I quickly jumped down and ran towards Annie, pushing her out of the way of his bullet once he shot at her. Everyone started screaming and running away, once getting up I grabbed Hughie's arm. "Fucking run, Hughie!" Butcher yelled. We both ran towards him, Butcher and I glaring hard at each other. "I had a good shot on her, you cow!" "Get in the fucking car before I kill you myself, you fuck!!" We all ran back to his car, getting in and driving back to base to relocate. 

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