Chapter 8 The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Skrael, Krel, don't you two even DARE start fighting him!!" Was easily heard over the phone by Bellroc.

"Why are you yelling at me? I was the one to tell Krel what to sensibly do!" Skrael quietly yells.

'We need a plan of attack. We might all be able to have him retreat if we attack head on, but civilians are still around.'

"Krel, Toby and I are almost there. Claire get over to them and shadow the field for the trolls. Douxie, Aja, Strickler, Nomura and Varvatos, start fighting. We need to stop him from hurting anyone else. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh will help the humans out of the area. Steve, Eli, Archie help the trolls. Krel, when we get here, help your sister. Skrael, fight with Nari to keep him in the field. Remember, Bellroc promised to stay in Camelot. We didn't choose the battlefield, but we're going to use it to our advantage." I stated.

Seconds later, Tobes and I get there, and I pull out the Akirideon blade. We move over towards the floating guy clad in black and orange.

He looks over towards my direction and shoots an orange magic ball. I roll left, out of the way, get up, and run towards an empty car. Running on top of it's roof, I use it as leverage and jump up to decently his level. I slash the sword, having my body turn with the movement, as he moves out the way. Landing on the ground, a blue magic ball hits his back. He turns around and fires multiple shots towards douxie. He runs to his right and blocks most attacks. Multiple Akirideon energy balls shoot towards him from Aja and Krel, but he blocks them all with a magical shield.

"Pathetic." Aridam states in a deep bone-chilling voice.

It made me freeze for a second before Strickler landed next to me and we made a silent agreement on a plan. A second later I'm launched into the air aiming an attack to his head. Aridam moves out the way right into Strickler's and Nomura's range. She slashes at his side and cuts his arm as Strickler attacks his back, he looks down at the wound on his arm for a second and then slashes towards Nomura and Strickler. They move out the way right when Varvatos and Aja attack his side.

I had landed next to Douxie.

"Run on the air like there is something there. I'll levitate you." He tells me, creating some quick motions with his hands and mutters a few words under his breath.

Nodding, I do as he describes and run onto the air. He used his magic to hold me up and I ran towards Aridam, nearly striking his side.

He tried flying away when a wall of vines and ice covered his path. Quickly looking down, we all see Skrael and Nari standing there with magic surrounding them, both looking smugly at him. He growled slightly like an animal, right before Krel shot him in the head. He looked at him and shot some magic until Nomura stole his attention with an attack.

Varvatos, Aja, Nomura and I end up in a heated battle of swords with Krel, Strickler and Douxie joining the fight every once in a while when there's an opening. We continued like this until we started gaining the upper hand and he moved away, attacking us with a, from what it sounded like, complex spell.

He tried to fly farther away, but he hit a blue shield. Aridam and the one's attacking stopped for a second, but got back to attacking a second later. After a few more instances like that, of him trying to fly farther away and a wall of ice and vines or that blue shield would stop him, he used an extremely painful spell, sending us flying back.

Getting up slightly, I see him teleport away and black succumbing in my vision.


"Krel, Toby and I are almost there. Claire get over to them and shadow the field for the trolls. Douxie, Aja, Strickler, Nomura and Varvatos, start fighting. We need to stop him from hurting anyone else. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh will help the humans out of the area. Steve, Eli, Archie help the trolls. Krel, when we get here, help your sister. Skrael, fight with Nari to keep him in the field. Remember, Bellroc promised to stay in Camelot. We didn't choose the battlefield, but we're going to use it to our advantage." Jim states.

Stewart hangs up, and quickly turns to the direction of the battle, successfully making Steve fly into the car wall.

"Steve, you okay?" I ask, kneeling next to him.

"Yep, fine, I'm fine." He says, standing back up with my help.

"We're here." Stewart tells us as he quickly turns again and stops.

Opening the back door, Steve and I ran out to get to the bridge's cars. Steve started stopping to watch Aja fight. Looking back, I yell at him to come on before realizing he won't come and running back.

"Isn't my Ninja Battle Angel amazing?" He says lovingly.

"Yes she is, now come on. The faster we clear the civilians, the quicker you can be with her." I tell him, dragging him along.

"Ye- Wai- wait what do you mean yes? She's my Battle Angel." He defensively states.

"And she's my queen, In LITERAL sense Steve, jeez." I tell him after he looks at me offended.

I find a few civilians ducking behind their cars and some recording. Running over to them, I work on making them leave. After a while of dealing with either the fear-frozen, depressed/suicidal, recording idiots, kids, Karens, Teenagers and panicking ones, the Trolls came over and Aaarrrgghh started picking people up and carrying them away. With the exception of the Karen who refused to do anything and demanded our "managers" or something for getting her into danger. Blinky started pushing her away from the danger while yelling at her for being improper or something like that. I stopped paying attention since I was dealing with two crying five and three year olds with Archie.

After a few minutes of keeping the humans away and glancing at the battle every now and then, Claire mentions that she has a bad feeling about the battle. We look back over to the fight to see a giant spell hitting all of them and Aridam escaping through a portal.

"Jim!" Claire yelled before running over

Everyone else's attention is drawn over to Claire and then everyone lying unconscious because of her shout. They all run over to their favored person or whoever was left. I was by Krel assessing his wounds as much as I could, seeing a few scraps and bruises, but relatively he was fine.

Steve lifted Aja up in his arms and made a comment about needing to leave, when we were suddenly teleported into the Camelot Castle's Main Hall. Dr. Lake and Bellroc were there, seemingly startled by us randomly appearing. They were questioning what happened and everyone tried answering to the best of their abilities, but no-one really knew what really did happen.

Dr. Lake was slowly walking around the group assessing everyone's injuries. Bellroc found Skrael and Nari and was trying to take care of them while calming down. That's when I realized that we appeared here via light-thing, not Shadow portal or Fire or Snow-thing that Claire Bellroc and Skrael make.

"Guys, we didn't travel by shadow-portal, and we definitely would have noticed if we did or even if we traveled by those things Skrael or Bellroc use. How'd we get here?" I ask the group.

Everyone's eyes widened in acknowledgement and started looking around for a second before everyone's eyes landed on a barely conscious Douxie partially sitting up against a pillar, slightly away from where the group was. His eyes and hands are glowing a slight blue from what I'm guessing was him using his magic.

"You're Welcome" He sayed in a pained groan, barely above a whisper, but loud enough for us all to hear, before passing out again.

I now notice that he's in worse shape than everyone else, with cuts, bruises, scrapes and burn marks all over him, like he was the only one to have gotten attacked by those major spells or even minor ones. Everyone else had a few cuts or scrapes here and there, but that was it.

"Let's get them into some rooms." Dr. Lake said.

We all agreed and the stronger ones of the group picked up the unconscious ones and carried them off.

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