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It was a rainy day, the clouds were dark and gray, and as the sounds of thunder have reined, it was a beautiful view in Izuku's eyes.

That was what Izuku was seeing right out his window.

After Izuku got to Japan, he got in a private cab to make sure he wasn't spotted by spies or villains sent by Overhaul.

After one trip to Russia, he is now taking precautions very seriously.

He is now riding a cab with two other people.

Both of them are pro heroes. One wears all black, wearing a large gray scarf with goggles, he has bags under his eyes, and his hair is all messy. One word that can describe this man was, hobo. Izuku remembered him, he was the underground hero Eraser head.

The other one is a lean man with glasses. He has green hair and there is a small part of his hair that is yellow. He is wearing a suit and looked stern. Izuku also remembered him as Sir Nighteye, All Mights former partner.

Both of them stared down at what they are looking at. The famous assassin from America, Shadow Walker was sitting in front of them with a weird uniform. He had baggy trousers with black shoes with iron sole and front that covers his toes. He is wearing a vest over his hoodie while wearing a military jacket. He is also wearing his utility belt along his chest and waist with his equipment along with his katana and knife, however, the katana is on the floor. A cape attached to his waist. With his hood over his head, you can't see his face for he is wearing a demon mask on his mouth part. (Foresight to Covid)

"So, you're the famous assassin, I imagined you would be ... bigger," Eraserhead said with slight distrust in him. He wasn't to kind on your friendly neighborhood assassin, probably because of his kill count. To be honest he doesn't even know why he's here, as a hero he knows that most of the time, killing villains is never the only solution.

However, assassins and heroes were both different but the same. While a hero can use their quirks legally in public on the line of hero work, they get paid for how popular they are in the public. As for assassins, their only paid through tasks assigned by the government, they also can't use their quirks in public when their off duty. So, their not paid while their off duty so they have to find a different job to make extra cash. On a count of that, their also sent to different countries and as a part of their job they have to break laws and were chased by law enforcements from that country.

Eraser head protested however, with his skills, the hero association really needed to get Overhaul off their asses.

"And your great too," Izuku said back holding his urge to cuss at the hero's rudeness, "Ok lets run through this one more time," Izuku said wanting to get into business.

"This is Overhaul," the Sir Nighteye said, showing a picture of a pale man with short hair, wearing a green jacket, however, the most noticeable feature will be his plague mask. "He's the man who makes the quirk-canceling drugs, leader of the Yakuza and 8 bullets, he's also the one who is smuggling it off to your country."

"So, this is him, seems like an easy target to me, however his quirk might be a pain in the ass," Izuku sighed, however he fought other villains with dangerous quirks. One of them can put you to sleep if you stare into their eyes, and another can make snakes appear from his body.

"I know Overhaul's quirk is Overhaul, it can disassemble and reassemble things with just one touch," Eraserhead said , "he'll kill you once he lays a finger on you."

"Yeah, he also has been using that quirk to clean up crime scenes and with his lawyer he has gotten away most of the time," Izuku explained "His quirk only seems to work when he physically touches something with his hands, so I just need to cut off his hands, seems pretty solid."

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