9 | marcie hears a rumour

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"Morning? It's nearly noon" Alice scoffed, and Frank playfully rolled his eyes before focusing on Perenelle,

"Wotcher Black, I didn't know you two were mates"

Two more chairs were suddenly occupied— and at Frank's sudden arrival Perenelle hadn't even noticed his companions.

The Prewett twins each took a seat across from her at the circular table— Fabian the closest to her on the right side.

"I—oh, well we have charms together" She spit out, avoiding making eye contact with either twin.

Gideon was bad enough— she wasn't sure if she'd be able to look him in the eye again after catching him post-snog two nights before, but she hadn't even seen Fabian since the night of Andromeda's birthday.

"That's what's got us stuck in here" Alice sighed, absentmindedly flicking through the pages of her textbook, "Charms evaluation tomorrow"

Frank had snatched Alice's parchment out from in front of her before she could stop him, and he leaned back in his chair, "Ooh— the Reducto Curse, you've got some experience with that one don't you boys?" And both Fabian and Gideon snickered— as though it was an inside joke only the trio seemed to know.

"Oh stop it" Alice teased, taking back her parchment, "If you're going to stay and bother us you may as well introduce my friend to your side kicks"

my friend.

For some reason Alice's words made Perenelle's heart nearly skip a beat— Alice considered her a friend?

In a world where nearly every decision had been made for her— Perenelle had never made a friend that wasn't practically hand selected by her parents, it felt— weird, exhilarating even.

Overall it felt nice. Like the kind of nice that is only replicated by the feeling of biting into a warm pumpkin pasty fresh out of the oven— or picking out fabrics for new dress robes.

Whatever it was— it was a nice that felt almost unfamiliar, but Perenelle knew one thing for sure, despite every sane part of her telling her to run back to the safety of her common room and the rest of the pureblood elite— she liked Alice Fortescue thinking of her as a friend.

"—Surely you don't mean to introduce us to Perenelle" Gideon scoffed, Fabian joining in, a smile on his face,

"No chance— we've known her longer than we've known either of you"

Alice practically jumped in her seat at the boys' proclamation, turning to face Perenelle with an open mouth,

"There is no way— Pera, and you two? Please, how in Godric's name would you fit in with these two clowns?" The latter part of the sentence was directed at her, and the boys made varying statements of offence at being called clowns.

"No they're right" Perenelle replied a bit defensively, sitting up straighter in her chair, "Our families were friends when we were younger— really"

Alice's look of disbelief still hadn't left her face, and she turned to Frank— who seemed to look the same.

"I mean honestly... since we were what? Five?" Fabian laughed,

UPTOWN GIRL | Marauders EraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin