4 | the ghost's birthday

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October sixteenth, nineteen-seventy six

IT HAD BEGAN AS a calm autumn day, nothing incredibly out of the ordinary— Damien and Vaudeline being horridly obnoxious throughout breakfast and lunch, while Marceline regaled the group with one of her infamous tales of the time abroad she often spent due to her father's business dealings, followed by the typical routine of classes that fine Tuesday, all in all it was a usual day for the Slytherin sixth years.

Until of course it wasn't.

"Oh! Is that the necklace Damien gave you!" Marceline's voice had come out as a squeal as she practically leapt towards Vaudeline, who was standing over her fully stocked jewellery box, admiring its newest addition.

"Isn't it lovely?" Vaudeline asked, holding it up so that the emerald in the centre caught the light of the room, "He said it's a present for passing my seventh grade ballet exam" the latter sentence ending in a swoon.

"How nice— I didn't receive a gift for passing the same exam" Perenelle teased, tossing her book down and getting up from her bed to join them, "Though I will say it is beautiful, Antonin told me he helped him choose it— they did a good job"

The twins had taken their exam at the end of summer holidays— after months of gruelling preparation at the hands of their mother, and Pera's toes still ached at the mere thought of the especially long emboité she had held while on pointe that had earned her the praise she had received from their instructors.

She wiggled her toes in her stockings at the memory.

"I wish my mum had forced me into ballet- well, taking it seriously" Marcie sighed, flipping back down onto her bed, "I believe I lasted two lessons before my mum simply decided I was a lost cause at that front" and the twins both attempted to hide their laughs— as Marceline truly was not the most graceful.

"What book is it this time?" Marcie drawled, taking note of the fresh paperback novel laid face down on Perenelle's bed, and Pera smiled,

"Anne of Green Gables! Oh it's so charming, it's about a little orphan from North America a—"

"—You and those muggle books Per" Marcie drawled in boredom, "as if our books weren't tiresome enough, you have to go out and seek the ones you know you'd get an earful over"

"How father and maman haven't caught you is a mystery" Vaudeline scoffed, tucking her jewellery box back underneath her four poster bed, "I mean honestly— you have more muggle books than you do magical at this point"

Which— to be fair was a fact, as it seemed the only magical books that caught Perenelle's eye anymore were those pertaining to astronomy and the legends behind it, which coincidentally also had an extensive array of muggle books on the subject as well.

"Well that's why they stay at school" Perenelle shrugged, sitting back on her bed, and clutching the book to her chest, "So imaginative, the muggles, it's sort of admirable what stories they're able to come up with" and the two girls rolled their eyes, though Marceline's was more playful.

"I mean really, their lives seem so mundane— but some of their ideas of the magical are rather charming!"

"Does this Anne of Green Gables have any magic?" Marceline asked, actually intrigued by what Perenelle was saying.

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