2 | cracks in the foundation

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September first, nineteen-seventy one

"WHY COULDN'T BELLA COME?" Perenelle asked, looking up at Andromeda as she held tightly onto the older girls hand, Vaudeline and Narcissa walking behind them with their mother through the bustling platform of nine and three quarters.

"She's married now Pera, she wanted to- but, you know how it is, her and Rodolphus are their own family now" Andromeda answered, squeezing Perenelle's hand.

"You won't do that, right?" The eleven year old asked, already dreading the idea that her sister would most likely be engaged by Christmas, and married fresh after graduation that summer.

"Never" She winked, dropping Perenelle's hand as they reached the scarlet train, and their aunt Walburga— with Sirius and Regulus in tow.

It seemed that just like her own, Sirius' father was too busy to attend as well.

"Good morning girls" Walburga drawled, her grip tight on both of her son's shoulders, and Perenelle had to fight the urge to laugh at the look of grimace on Sirius' face— as though he was simply itching to escape his mother.

Perenelle understand, as she too was ecstatic at the thought of finally joining her sisters at school, even if Andromeda and Narcissa were in seventh and fifth year, respectively.

"Es-tu excité Sirius?" Her mother asked— in French, and Sirius nodded, a Yes aunt Druella leaving his lips in english, making both of the older women purse their lips.

Are you excited Sirius?

Perenelle knew that that was Walburga's doing, as though the Black's were English they had supposedly come from France however many years ago, and having a sister in law from France meant that Walburga didn't need to hire a tutor for the language the Black family held so esteemed.

"We should go then" Andromeda said, before Walburga could get another word in— or possibly start an argument, which was something the witch often liked to do.

After Sirius, Perenelle, and her sisters gathered their trunks from Kreacher and Silky— their house elf, the five Blacks boarded the train, waving goodbye to their mothers and young Regulus.

"Will you sit with Vaud and I?" Perenelle asked Sirius as her older sisters left to find their friends, planting a kiss on each of their heads- much to Sirius' annoyance, and the boy nodded in response.

"Obviously— where else would I go"

"—Are you two coming or what? You're blocking the aisle!" Vaudeline huffed from ahead, lugging her trunk behind her.

The two cousins hurried after her, before settling in an empty compartment.

"It feels quite real now, don't you think?" Vaudeline asked, her smile wide as she tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her ear, and Perenelle nodded— her face in the same expression as she practically bounced up and down on the seat, Sirius on the other hand held a more somber expression as he sat across from the two sisters.

"Have you guys— I don't know" He began, "Have you ever thought about what would happen if we weren't sorted into Slytherin?"

This made Perenelle furrow her brows in confusion, as how could that happen? Every Black to ever enter Hogwarts was sorted into Slytherin, there wasn't another possibility.

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