7 | the black's attempt family therapy

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PERENELLE FELT LIKE she was going insane, hallucinating maybe. All day, every class, even at lunch, everywhere she went people were whispering. Chances are— and oh Merlin how she hoped the chances were in her favour, none of it was about her.

She wasn't sure how she was feeling about those odds. Because honestly, it truly was whispering everywhere she went.

"Why's it only me?" She muttered to Marceline, as the two walked to dinner, the groups of students around them sneaking glances and snickers, "—it's not like I was the only one, do you know if Vaud's been getting this?" Though Marcie only shrugged, which did absolutely nothing to cease Perenelle's paranoia.

"Or maybe it's my hair, I curled it today— oh for Merlin's sake Marceline is my skirt stuck in my stockings? Check for me!"

Marceline quickly snuck a look behind them, neither breaking their stride, and answered confidently, "Nope, your skirt is in fact not up your arse"

Perenelle's head whipped around so fast she may as well have given herself whiplash, and she stared pointedly at Marceline as they entered the Great Hall,

"It's not funny Marc!" She whined, "I'm genuinely turning into a nutter ove—"

"—Bloody hell"

Marceline had stopped, her hand tightly grabbing Perenelle's wrist to make her do the same, as they stopped the flow of traffic entering the hall for dinner.

Pera's eyes followed Marceline's over towards the Slytherin table, her jaw dropping— and she dragged Marcie towards the table, ignoring the continued strange stares and whispers.

Vaudeline was in a right state. Her perfectly done up face scrunched in discontent as she lay into Damien for whatever had happened.

Though Vaudeline's berating was not what had Perenelle's jaw dropping. As Damien and Antonin both looked as though they had been smacked around by a troll. Bruises— littering the parts of them uncovered by their robes. A dark purple bruise stood out stark against Damien's under eye. While Antonin had a particularly difficult to look at busted lip.

"—It was none of your business!" Vaudeline exclaimed, her voice low to avoid the attention of anyone listening in.

"—And I told you it wasn't because of you, how many times do I have to—"

"—What in Salazar's name happened?" Pera asked, quickly sliding in next to Vaud, Marcie doing the same on the other side, and the girls sat across from the bruised and battered boys. Though notably, Severus seemed to be missing.

"I don't think you want to ask that right now Per" Antonin winced, nudging his head towards Damien, who if Vaudeline could murder with a look, would have dropped dead at that moment.

"I don't know" Marcie shrugged, looking between them all with a mischievous grin, "I'm kind of curious"

Pera pursed her lips as she gave Marceline a pointed look from the other side of her sister, and turned her attention to Damien, who was in what seemed to be a staring contest with Vaud. If it was a real staring contest, Vaudeline would be winning.

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