Chapter 2

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Later on, not far from the others in town, Daffy got out of his apartment, broke and hungry.

He was worn out and had dark circles around his eyes from a lack of rest.

Like Bugs, he was sleepy and exhausted from the many overnight shifts that he had to take in often at a burger joint downtown, just so he could have a full meal in his stomach every night.

He even started saving up in a small piggy bank near his room for a new recliner chair that he always wanted to relax and get cozy in.

He was sick and tired of sitting in the same old grandma fashioned looking couch and needed something more comfortable to lie down on his back in.

He wanted to start rebuilding on up his money for that sweet new recliner chair.

But right now, he is famished and could not wait to enter into a nearby cafe for a cup of coffee with a pastry to help keep him up for the rest of the nights ahead.

"Man, I'm starving. What's a guy got to eat around here?" Daffy mumbled to himself rhetorically as he walks into a coffee shop labeled 'L.A Cafe and Sweets' and waited in line.

When he got up front, he ordered a complex order drink, similar to a Starbucks, of a large hot latte drink with extra caramel syrup, coffee syrup, whipped cream, and sprinkles on top.

In addition to his drink, he also ordered a couple of blueberry muffins to go with it and of course, as a result, he had to end up paying at about 10 bucks worth of his money, but he didn't seem to care much about it.

As long as he was getting his daily caffeine boost, nothing could go wrong with spending a little extra money along the way.

When his order was made and ready to go, he took his stuff and sat down on a nearby table and ate his pastries first in peace.

"Mhmm. This is truly high heaven." Daffy said to himself as he devoured his two muffins, happily.

While that happened, Bugs and Rodney, who had just parked their car in the lot, busted through the front doors of the cafe in a huff.

As expected from Rodney's point of view, their boss hollered over to them from afar, by the front registers.

"Bugs! Rodney! Where are ya at? You're supposed to be clocking in 5 minutes ago!" Their boss, Ralph, yelled out in a shout.

"Sorry we're late, sir. We promise it won't happen again." Rodney insisted while the two grabbed their aprons for work.

"Tsk. Yeah, sure it won't. Now get back over here and start at the registers, so that Mary and William can clock out for the day. And I better not catch either of you dozing or slacking off on my watch. You got that?!" Their strict boss ordered.

"Yes. Mr. Ralph. Sir." Both Bugs and Rodney replied in monotone.

"Good, now get to it then." Ralph said before heading towards the back of the cafe.

When the coast was clear, Rodney relaxed his shoulders a little and sighed in relief.

"Ugh. I told you he's get mad at us if we're late." Rodney said, while the two waited for their other co-workers to clock out through their registers.

"Pfft. That old coot ain't yapping nothing but utter nonsense for a threat. He'd still be in retirement if it ain't for his wife running off and leaving him dried out on a dime." Bugs said with a chuckle.

"Shh! He can still hear you. You know?" Rodney warned in a hushed voice.

But, Bugs didn't care for all of the whispering and talked even louder.

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