Get on their bad side, a race to the finish Part 4

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Meanwhile back at the base, Miko and Raf were getting worried since the others hadn't called back yet.

"They should've called us by now. Maybe they got bad phone reception." Miko said as she was glancing at the comm-links.

"Maybe..." Raf said as he was worried.

"Relax, Raf. As long as Emily is out with Optimus and Ratchet, we have plenty of time." Miko said as she tried to make him relax but that didn't stop him from worrying.

"You think Jack and Smokescreen are okay?" He asked instead as he glanced at Miko worriedly.

"Don't worry. Bulkhead won't let anything bad happen to them. I'm sure they're on their way back here." Miko said just as the comm-links started beeping.

Miko had supposed that it was just the others calling to say that they were with Jack and Smokescreen safe and sound and on their way back to base as she looked at Raf with a grin.

"What did I tell you? I'm sure they're calling to tell us that Jackster and Smokester are fine and that they're all safe and sound." Miko said before she answered the call.

"Yo, Bulk. How are things going?" Miko asked casually but the one who answered back almost made her fall back in her seat as Raf almost squeaked in surprise.

"Uh, Miko, it's Emily." Emily said in confusion and bewilderment but she sounded calm right now but was confused as to how Miko mistook her for Bulkhead is the question.

Both Miko and Raf start getting nervous and see how it wasn't the others calling but the person that was the least of their problems. It was Emily who was with Optimus and Ratchet at the mine at Oregon as the two started to whisper.

"Way to go, Miko. Now what do we do?" Raf whispered as he was getting nervous since they'll crack sooner or later.

"I don't know. Why do you ask me?" Miko whispered in frustration as Raf gave her a look.

"You're the one who helped Jack." Raf whispered.

"Oh sure, blame me for all of this. Relax, I'll handle this." Miko whispered before using her normal voice to try and cover her little slip up.

"Hey, Emily, how are you doing, girl?" Miko asked and made Raf facepalm at that.

"Okay, I guess. What was that you said about Bulkhead?" Emily sounded confused as she asked.

"Well, uh, you see, Bulkhead was... doing something very curious... he was... juggling..." Miko said and hoped that Emily would buy it.

"Okay? Anyway, we need a ground bridge." Emily still sounded confused before telling them as Raf was quick on that one.

"Sure. Opening now." He said as he put the coordinates Emily sent them and opened the ground bridge.

Both he and Miko were getting nervous because they knew that they would be asked where the others were. While they were getting worried, Optimus, Ratchet and Emily came out of the portal as Raf started to think about what they should tell Optimus and Emily.

"I think we should just tell them the truth." Raf whispered.

"Absolutely not. We made a deal, remember? No telling. Just try and act completely normal." Miko whispered through her teeth as the three just noticed that the base was almost empty minus Miko and Raf.

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