The return of a lost friend Part 4

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"Took you long enough. Ah!" Arcee let out a small cry of pain as her wound was stinging.

"I see your mouth is still functioning." Ratchet retorted sarcastically as he starts patching her up as Emily and Bumblebee are giving them cover.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Emily asked as she glanced at the two as Bumblebee beeped in worry.

"She'll be fine. I'm covering up the wound. If I hadn't come sooner, she would've lost a lot of Energon." Ratchet said as he didn't take his optics off what he was doing.

"You can thank Airachnid for that." Arcee hissed slightly in pain as Ratchet gave her a stern look.

"Don't talk. Try to keep up your strength. You should try to be more careful this time. Fortunately this wasn't too severe." Ratchet told her as she stopped talking as Emily agreed with him.

"Ratchet's right. First you miss your shots and then you rush into battle like crazy. That's not you, Arcee." Emily scolded her sternly but her voice held concern.

"Emily, now is not the time for this kind of talk." Ratchet was a little surprised by Emily's scolding but she was right.

"It's okay, Ratchet... She has a point. I let myself go down." Arcee groaned in pain but she had sadness in her optics.

"Arcee, you can't let these thoughts about losing Cliffjumper affect your concentration. If you do that next time, you won't come back alive." Emily told her as she looked at her with a look saying that she doesn't want to lose Arcee.

"You're right. I've lost my focus. When Airachnid talked about Cliff,... I lost it... I'm so sorry." Arcee looked down sadly as Emily just shook her head but smiled at her.

"Don't be. She tried to mess with you. It happens to anybody. Including the best of us." She told her with a soft smile as Arcee smiled back.

The mountain started trembling as everyone stopped what they were doing and noticed that the Dark Energon below them was making Megatron even stronger which was bad news.

"RAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Megatron let out a roar as the Autobots and Emily felt a shudder of fear go through them as they watched Megatron getting more power.

"Uh, guys? Are you seeing this?" Emily asked worriedly as Ratchet, Bumblebee and Arcee got commlink from the others.

"I'm seeing it. I just don't believe it." Bulkhead said through their comm-link as he was trying to keep his balance.

"Doc, mind telling us what's going on?" Wheeljack said as he was getting a bad feeling about the situation.

"The Dark Energon is making Megatron unstoppable." Ratchet told them and this worried Emily as she stood up with determination in her optic-eye as she clenched her fists.

"We'll see about that." Emily gritted her teeth as she started to run to help Optimus before Ratchet or Bumblebee could even stop her.

"Emily, wait!" Ratchet called out but it was too late as she was out of hearing range.

Emily starts running faster as Knock Out And Breakdown get up after they hit each other out just to see Emily running towards them with narrowed optic-eye.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now