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Dear reader,
If you're reading this then here is my story. It may not always make the most sense, it didn't to me when I went through it but hopefully you get most of it. I do not use the name Underwood any longer as after I left the town I grew up in I gave up that name.
                                          Astra Fay

Before everything went sideways or well not sideways more.... i don't even know,different than usual, I was a pretty normal adopted girl living in Bayview Idaho. Well okay I was running away but other than that I was pretty normal. Alright now I'll start from the beginning.
It was around 2am on July 26 when I had my bag packed and I was climbing up further away from the town where i was raised for almost 16 years. Hiking further into the forest making my way towards the campsite of Farragut National Park i pulled out my phone checking once again if I had service so that I could hopefully call one of my old friends for a ride down to Boise, but unfortunately there wasn't any service. Walking through the woods I found it peaceful it was weird, the first time I ever went into the woods by myself since I was 3 and that wolf and I became friends so to speak my parents had kept me away from the woods or with someone at all times hence why I'm leaving.
7 days later
It's been seven days since I left and I've been living in the forest near the campsite so that I can shower and use the restrooms daily. Today is August 1st the day of my 16th birthday and I'm at the moment walking through the woods looking for a new place to camp. As I walked i felt the forest change it became brighter and it weirdly enough felt like home one could say as though I belonged. I continued to walk but as I walked I felt as though I was being watched and followed scowling down so as not to let the person following me know I knew I was being followed I waited until they were right behind me to turn and as I turned I saw their bow and arrows as well as their sword and knives. Quickly grabbing their bow and an arrow I aimed at them and said, " Who are you? Why are you following me?"
They tilted their head and said, " My name is King Thranduil I am following you because you somehow got into Mirkwood without walking over the border. How are you here? And who are you?"
Raising my eyebrow at the fact that he changed languages on me and I could still understand him which was odd, but I looked back at him and replied. "How would you now that I did not cross the borders? I am Astra Fay. Also how old are you?"
The elf scoffed and said " I am the king of this realm I would know if you passed my borders. I am over four thousand years old, however I do not see why you must know that. And why are you still posting that arrow at me?" He glared at me while I just pouted and said "  Well how am I supposed to know if you're going to kill me on my birthday which well that would be really unfortunate and sad if you catch my drift so what if we do this I leave and keep this bow cause it's pretty cool and you don't tell anyone I'm here while I leave? Because unfortunately Thranduil I do not wish to be imprisoned in your dungeons nor do I really wish to further anger you."
Looking up at him hopefully I smiled slightly at the look of absolute confusion on his face which was absolutely adorable and priceless. While I was  doing that I slowly started to step backwards hoping to get to the river so as to make my way to Lake Town, which is a place I remember from reading The Hobbit. I looked away from Thranduil for only a second and as I looked back I noticed he wasn't there which don't get me wrong i was glad he wasn't throwing me into the dungeons or anything but I was kinda sad to see him leave. However I continued on my way to the river and then to esgaroth and then onto Dale.
Thranduil pov
After talking to the girl for a small amount of time I left letting her keep my bow. I do not know why I did it but I followed her to keep her safe even though she did not know I was there and never once did she act as though I was a king. She was insolent but she was immediately precious to me for some reason. Shaking myself out of my thoughts I saw her create her own raft and sail away from my forest. I sighed slightly sad that I would never see her again but after watching her leave I to left back to my home in order to not be late to the rest of my new kingly duties.


There you go! Lol that was fun hopefully you liked it so far. Okay so quick note the italics are elvish because I am in no way going to butcher that. Also I know that Thranduil seems out of character but.... he's different because he's under and she might effect how he acts later! Okay so I think that's all I have to say so bye bye. Until next time! Kisses 💋.

Also all characters who you recognize belong to Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien.

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