72. The Truth

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Art by @ktchelle12 on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Jean"

"But how did you end up like this?"

Jean sighs.

"It's a long story. When DreamXD and I grew up, we were alone. There were no other gods to manage these worlds. We realized that the people would die and the population would decrease if a war broke out. So we decided to create two books, the Revival Book and the Death Book. DreamXD made his with no limitations, you could copy the book's contents and reuse it whenever you wanted. You just simply wrote down the name of the person you wanted to revive and the rest of the books contents, then burn it. I made sure that my Death Book was the only one and would only work with the original copy. It only worked if you wrote the person's name down. You can't erase it, it's only reversible by the Revival Book."

Jean sighs.

"I thought it was going to help people, I thought that we would be saving the world from extinction. But I found out through reading that the Supreme God, DreamXD, could recreate the world whenever he wanted. So the books weren't saving the world, what were they for? Every time someone died and was revived, I felt a power increase inside him. I realized that death and revival is what fuels his power. I tried to confront him and he told me that we had to continue. He asked me to kill people so he could revive them. I said no and tried to use the book on him. We fought and he ended up getting the book before I could write his name down."

"Why didn't he kill you? He must have been angry with you" Y/N says.

"He was, but he was also alone. I was all he had. If I was gone, he would live alone. He could revive me but I would still know his true motives and could stop him. He turned me into this" she stretches her wings and breathes a puff of smoke.

"He did it because he still cared about me. He loved me, and I loved him. I loved the kinder side of him, when he truly was carefree and happy. When he became power hungry and controlling, I felt myself losing that connection."

"This sounds like Dream and I. I love him for his good side when he's kind, caring, and loving. But he can be ruthless, controlling, and power hungry. He pushes his feelings aside if things don't go his way"

"Dream is the human reincarnation of DreamXD. They share similar traits but I hope that you can change Dream in the way that I was never able to change DreamXD."

"So why are you here?" Y/N waves at the pillars around them. "Why do people try and slay you?"

"It's all because of DreamXD. After he turned me into a dragon, I couldn't use my powers. I was trapped here with only the endermen for company. But he got bored. He wanted killing people to be interesting. So he spread a rumor. Anyone who kills the ender dragon and gets the egg will be blessed with power. That egg holds all my power. People then began to try and kill me. Of course, I had to defend myself. Those people that died because of me, were sometimes revived by DreamXD to strengthen his power. He often visited me and told me that I was killing people for him" Jean leans her head down and exhales loudly.

Y/N pats Jean's horns comfortingly.

"Eventually I managed to seal off the portal so no one could find me. DreamXD left me alone since he had all the power he needed. He still visits me every now and then. I hope that you, Y/N, can finally defeat him"

"How? He'll know if I try and use the Death Book on him. Once he's gone, what will happen to his power? Who will be in control of the worlds?"

"That will be something you'll have to choose. You will need to take the risk. I know that both books work on gods so DreamXD could technically be revived. But he can also be killed. You need to decide what's best for the worlds"

"If I kill him, can I free you?"

Jean looks off into the void with a sad expression.

"Sadly not, the spell is designed to last for as long as I'm alive. Not even he can break it. I'm cursed forever"

"I'm sorry" Y/N glances up at the large eyes.

"Don't be, you need to make the right choice for what you think will benefit you and others. If you think that becoming his queen and killing him later will be best then do it. But I know that you don't love him. DreamXD is even more extreme than Dream is. DreamXD often visited me and told me all about Dream and how Dream was just like him. DreamXD will use his powers to control anyone and anything that doesn't bend to his will"

"Thank you Jean, I'll have to figure this out for myself and maybe I'll do it when the time is right"

"Your welcome, all I ask is that you in some way, avenge me for what he did"

"I'll do my best" Y/N smiles before putting on her elytra again.

"Good luck Y/N, I have faith that your ending will be a happy one"

"I hope it will. I'll visit you soon" she promises before flying off into the darkness.

Jean watches her leave.

"I hope you can. If this opportunity isn't taken, DreamXD will never trust anyone again and all chances of his downfall will be lost"


Y/N flies back to Phil.

"Hey Y/N! I was just about it pack up" Phil says. "You were gone for a while"

"Yeah, sorry. I had to talk with the ender dragon"

"What do you two about?"

"It's a secret" she smiles.

"Ugh" Phil grumbles but continues packing. "We should get back before Techno starts to worry"

Phil and Y/N fly back, Ranboo follows them through the portal too.

The three get back to Techno's cabin where he's waiting for them.

"You three spent a lot of time in The End" he smiles.

"It was fun building" Y/N shrugs.

They have dinner and chat about various things.

"I think I'll leave for the Smp tomorrow" Y/N says after they finish. "I promised Dream I'd be back within a few days"

"That's fine" Phil sharpens his sword by the fire.

"How is Dream these days?" Wilbur asks.

"Doing alright, I'm not sure what he's up to so that's why I'm going to find out"

"Well, when you get there, say hi to Drista for me will you?" Techno says. "I watched her fight, she really good"

"I'll tell her that the compliment came from you" Y/N smiles at her brother.

Later that night, Y/N lies awake in bed, pondering what to do.

DreamXD is power hungry and wants to use death and revival to get more powerful. I need to kill him but I don't know when. I need to make sure that someone can take his place as god of the worlds. But it's too big of a job for one person. There's always the possibility that DreamXD traps me like he did to Jean or worse, kill me. Whatever I do, I can't let XD know. I need to do it when he least expects it.


Ooooh, DreamXD better be ready.

What's Dream up to? 🤔

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora