Skyquake's return Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Right behind you." Emily nodded as both she and Arcee moved out from their position and started shooting at incoming Cons.

Arcee was able to take down some of them but Emily can't seem to focus as she kept missing. The sound of battle made her remember what happened not too long ago. She wasn't focused and when a con was about to grab her, Arcee shot him down and saw how Emily was scared as the fear was in her eyes. The femme knelt down next to her as she look up to her.

"It's okay. I'm here." Arcee reassures her as the Decepticons are coming at them.

Arcee can take them down but has to protect Emily while doing it who tried to shoot a plasma shot but was missing a few times.

"Stay behind me. We'll get through this one. I promise." Arcee told her as Emily nodded slowly.

The Decepticons were trying to take down the Autobots but they're losing too much ground quickly.

"Had enough?" Wheeljack taunted as he sliced one in half.

"This is too easy." Cliffjumper said as he punched two.

"Too easy." Smokescreen grinned as he kicked down some.

Starscream let out a frustrated growl before he started using his comm-link to contact the Nemesis.

"This is Commander Starscream, requesting a ground bridge immediately." Starscream called through the comm-link.

Back at the nemesis, the computers beeped and Megatron could see that it was Starscream and demanded what he wanted.

"What is it now, Starscream? Have you found the source of the mysterious energy?" Megatron demanded.

"Not really, my liege. The sensors must have a malfunction. We couldn't find anything. But more importantly the Autobots have taken down most of our troops. I request an immediate ground bridge. Perhaps some back up too." Starscream replied and Megatron had to stop a growl as he addressed Dreadwing.

"Very well. Dreadwing, prepare for departure." Megatron told him as he nodded.

"At once, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing bowed before leaving.

Back at the location the Decepticons were holding their ground against the Autobots when suddenly a ground bridge opened up. Both sides stop fighting, waiting to see what will come out from the portal.

"A ground bridge?" Bulkhead asked curiously.

Bumblebee beeps and whirred, asking what's going on as they didn't have a clue.

"Ours or theirs?" Bulkhead asked but the Autobots tensed up when they saw who came out of the portal.

Dreadwing came out along with his troops as he sneered down at the bots while the portal closed up behind the new arrivals.

"Only a fool like you could fail a mission such as this." Dreadwing said as the Autobots all got ready.

"Hey, Dreadwing, how about you come down here and chat with us a little?" Wheeljack challenged him.

The Decepticons all point their weapons at the Autobots who are completely surrounded as they were on their guard and got ready to spring into action against them.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now