cherry slid the bill back to her friend before pouring her a shot of titos. "keep your fuckin' money, you know don't gotta pay for shit while i'm working at the bar. on top of that, it's your birthday-- eighteen is an important ass year."

"you're too good to me, red." april replied, knocking back the shot effortlessly. cherry didn't hesitate before pouring another one (and one for herself) and the two girls knocked them back in sync.

"i think i'm gonna go dance, you wanna join?" april asked cherry with a grin.

"wish i could, but i gotta hold down the fort." cherry replied, gesturing to the bar she stood behind. april nodded. "but hey, i can get you backstage after the band finishes-- just meet me back here after the show."

april sauntered over to the lively crowd around the stage, and began to nod her head along to the music, letting her hair move wildly. the thump of the bass, crash of the drum kit, and ring of the guitar reverberated, and seemed to surround her whole being. and before she knew it, the last song had ended and she was making her way back over to cherry.

cherry served the last person sitting at the bar-- a man with sandy blonde locks and scruffy stubble. he was clad in a mudhoney shirt and baggy jeans, and despite the bags under his eyes, he spoke to cherry with a warm smile. when cherry caught a glimpse of april from behind the blonde, she grinned and waved her over.

"april! i want you to introduce you to kurt!" cherry exclaimed, motioning toward the blonde on the bar stool. he stuck up a hand and waved at her.

"hey, nice to meet you." he spoke. he sounded almost bashful.

"you too," she replied with a smile.

she plopped down on a bar stool next to him as cherry and kurt resumed their conversation.

"i'm telling you, if you just let me talk to my bosses i could do a great pitch for nirvana. it'd be sick if you guys played here." cherry spoke enthusiastically.

"i'd have to talk to the rest of the band-- i usually make decisions with krist and dave." kurt replied.

"well, dave's somewhere around here, right?"

"yeah, backstage, last time i checked."

"alright, lets head back then." cherry let her hair down from the ponytail it was in and tossed the towel she had been holding on the bar.

taking april by the hand, cherry led her and kurt backstage, where april first saw the long haired guy. his hair was passed his shoulders and was brown, with the tips showing signs of an old bleach job. he had tattoos along his arms and on his fingers, one of which currently was holding a cigarette, and the other, a beer. cherry skipped over to him, pulling kurt along. april followed behind.

april spaced out for a moment as the three conversed over the possibility of their band playing. they seemed to have come to an agreement by the time cherry plopped down on the couch, pulling april down beside her, and dave stationed himself of her other side soon after.

"so," she turned to dave. "what's your role, pretty boy?" she asked, although she did have an idea, based on his toned arms.

"drums." he replied. "i play drums."

"hm." she began, taking a drink that cherry handed her. "well, are you any good?" she asked him, taking a swig from the cup.

"i guess. i'd like to think so, at least." he replied, taking a drag of his cigarette before ashing it out.

she took another swig, then almost choked as a tall, lean figure burst into the room.

"april!" sam exclaimed, marching over to her. without thinking, she shot up and sprinted out of the room, leaving behind a slip of paper that had dropped out of her hand.

dave picked up the torn piece of lined paper that clearly came from the notepad on the table across from them. their was a phone number in messy ink scrawl. over top of the phone number, there was a name.


he tucked the piece of paper in his pocket.

girl singing in the wreckage ✰ dave grohlWhere stories live. Discover now